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Paleo Diet Supplements That You Need to Take

vitaminspilePaleo diet supplements are important if you are on this diet. As health professionals often suggest, it is best that you get your nutritional requirements from your diet than from pills. This is the ideal scenario, but it is sometimes unachievable because you cannot eat enough servings of a fruit, vegetable, or meat in one day to meet that requirement. This is very true today where everyone seems to be in a hurry to have time to sit down and eat a proper meal or too conscious to chow down too much food for fear of gaining weight. It is a good thing that the Paleo diet somehow helps you meet those daily dietary requirements simply because the foods included in it are by themselves very nutritious. You will not be eating empty calories that will just satiate you but fail to nourish your cells. In other words, those Paleo muffins are not fattening at all, but rather nourishing. However, since there are certain foods that are not allowed to be eaten in the Paleo diet, it is understandable that you might not get enough of some nutrients that your body essentially needs too. Before discussing what supplements to take while on Paleo, take time to know the nutrients that you get from it first.

Is the Paleo Diet Healthy?

The answer to this is a big yes. The Paleo diet grocery list consists of meat, fruits, vegetables, and nuts, and here the nutrients that you get from them.

Protein – You can get twice as much protein from a Paleo diet compared to a standard Western diet. In the Paleo diet, you get it mostly from meat and nuts. Protein is important because it helps build muscle mass, which subsequently help you lose weight. It also contributes in better bone density, improved brain function, and better sleep.

Fiber – This nutrient improves bowel movement, stabilizes blood sugar levels, curbs appetite, lowers cholesterol levels, and promotes healthy skin, among others. With all these benefits, it is good to know that a Paleo diet normally contains 2 to 3 times more fiber than a regular Western diet.

Vitamins – Particularly vitamin A, C, E, K, and B complex, are present in generous amounts in a Paleo diet. These vitamins have different roles but mostly for healthy cell function.

Antioxidants – Fruits and vegetables are very rich in antioxidants, which according to studies, aid in cell health. They neutralize the free radicals that are byproducts of metabolism and are present in the polluted surroundings. These free radicals damage the cells that eventually lead to early aging, cancer, and many other diseases.

Minerals – Minerals like magnesium, iron, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, zinc, copper, manganese, and selenium are also present in adequate amounts in a Paleo diet. These minerals do not only feed the cells in the body but work well in maintaining the bodily system for it to function efficiently.

Supplements for Paleo Diet

It may seem that the Paleo diet has everything covered, but there are some nutrients missing from it that are supplements-300x215important for your body as well. This is why you need to take supplements in order to get a healthy dosage of them.

Vitamin D – This vitamin is actually present in oily fish, but this meat is seldom enjoyed by everyone regularly so it is not surprising to not get enough of it from your diet. Vitamin D is essential for the health of bone and teeth. You need it in order to absorb calcium. New studies have also shown that vitamin D can slow down the progression of cancer. The best source, of course, is to just spend a few minutes in the morning under the sun, but if you would rather ingest pills, there are vitamin D gel capsules available in drug stores.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids – This is important for fighting aging and for brain health. This nutrient is most present in fatty fish, like salmon, but since you cannot eat salmon every day, then your next option is to get it from a supplement. The recommended dosage of this nutrient is still under debate because it somewhat depends on how much omega-6 fatty acids you are taking in from your diet each day. The recommended ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 differs from one expert to the next. Some says it should be 1 to 1, others, 2 to 1, and 5 to 1. If you eat a healthy diet that contain very little omega-6, then you might not even have to supplement with this.

Probiotics – This is for the health of your digestive system. Unknown to many, many diseases start from your stomach, so do not ever think that diarrhea or IBS or Celiac disease are your only worries when it comes to your gut, as diseases like arthritis, Chrohn’s, and depression can be traced back to it too.

These are the three most important Paleo diet supplements to keep in mind of. Some people still take multivitamins or mineral supplements, but they usually are a waste of money because those available today are not efficiently absorbed by the body anyway. Getting them from your diet is still the best route, so even if you are eating healthily in the Paleo diet, make sure that you get enough servings of your fruits, vegetables, and meat every day.