Michael Young
Slow Digesting Carbs: What is It and Why is It Important?
Slow digesting carbs are simply defined as carbohydrates that take longer for the body to digest and turn into sugar. When you take in carbohydrates from your food, like breads or potatoes, your body will digest it and turn it into sugar. This sugar will give energy to your cells and consequently to your body. It is the fuel that drives the body to do its functions. However, when you eat too much carbohydrates yet fail to convert it to energy, it will then be stored in your body and eventually turn into fat reserves. That is when you experience weight gain.
Carbohydrates are made up of carbon chains. When you look at it in the molecular level, some have simple chains and others have complex chains. The simpler the chains, the easier it is for the body to break and turn into sugar molecules. The opposite happens with complex chains, which is why slow digesting carbohydrates are also referred to as complex carbohydrates.
Understanding Glycemic Index and Glycemic Load
Since slow burning carbs are discussed, it is natural to dip into the topic of glycemic index and glycemic load. The glycemic index refers to how fast the carbohydrates in the food you eat can elevate your blood sugar levels. Fast digesting carbohydrates, therefore, have a high glycemic index (GI) while slow burning carbs have a low GI. The glycemic load, on the other hand, refers to how much digestible carbohydrates are in your food. It includes both slow and fast digesting carbs. Therefore, if a dietitian says that a certain food has a high glycemic load and a high GI, then you can expect that eating that food often can result to elevated blood sugar levels that happen frequently and can eventually interfere with your normal metabolism, hormone levels, and even make you gain weight. This topic is very important especially if you have diabetes or if you are prediabetic. You need to be extra careful with what you eat in order to avoid elevating your blood sugar levels.
Slow Carb and the Paleo Diet
Between the Paleo or vegan diets, the slow carb diet is more similar to the Paleo in many ways. First, they both do not include grains, sugar, and dairy. White grains, for instance, like rice and bread are fast digesting carbohydrates so they definitely are avoided. Second, both do not focus on measuring the calorie load. You do not need to count how many calories are in your plate, but rather just eat until your hunger is satisfied and only eat when you are hungry.
With regards to nuts and fruits, the Paleo diet are more lenient on these two compared to the slow carb diet. This is because nuts are calorie-dense while fruits contain natural sugars, which if taken in excess can interfere with insulin production in the body.
If there is one major difference between the two, it is the presence of legumes in the slow carb diet. This is not allowed in the Paleo diet, but the slow carb diet decided to include it in order to replace the carbohydrates in the absence of processed foods. Still, it is not advised to overstuff yourself with legumes in the slow carb diet.
Benefits of Slow Burning Carbohydrates
There are plenty of health benefits to gain by sticking to a slow carb diet. First, you can lower your risk of having diabetes. Even if you already are suffering from the illness, you can still better manage it if you watch what you eat and that can make you lessen your dependence on drugs.
Second, it can help you lose weight. Too much sugar that is not converted to energy eventually gets stored in the body and turns to fat. This is why, if you have noticed, eating too much rice, white bread, and pasta can easily make you gain weight, especially if you are not physically active. A slow carb diet also makes you feel fuller longer, hence supporting weight loss further.
Finally, a slow carb diet can provide your body with more energy for sustained amount of time. This is very ideal for active people who cannot allow “sugar crashes” to zap their energies away.
Slow Digesting Carbs List
Most vegetables have low GI ratings. That will include spinach, broccoli, cabbage, carrots, celery, and alfalfa sprouts, among others. Fruits, on the other hand, contain more natural sugars, but some of them are still considered as complex carbs, like avocado, apple, cranberries, and peaches. Beans are slow digesting carbs too, such as lentils, soybeans, and kidney beans.
Now that you know what slow digesting carbs are and their significance in your health, it is worth considering when you are choosing an ideal diet for you. Basically, it is similar to Paleo just with the addition of legumes, which you can still choose not to include as long as you are getting enough carbohydrates from your vegetables. All of these may seem complex to you at the moment but getting into it and learning more as you go along can eventually make you an expert and give you more control over your health.
Slow Carb Snacks: Healthy Food for That Midday Hunger
Slow carb snacks are your ideal choice when hunger strikes in between meals. One mistake that people make is only focusing on the main meals when thinking of healthy foods. They prepare healthy breakfasts, lunches, and dinners, yet fail to do the same for their snacks. So, they continue to indulge in those unhealthy pie slices or cakes to fill their cravings, thinking that they are allowed to do that since they had vegetables for lunch. The thing is, that healthy lunch you had will be for nothing once you have gulped down that cake with a glass of soda. Hence, it is important to give those snacks some healthy thought as well if you want to reap the full benefits of a slow carb diet.
Slow Digesting Carb Snacks
Here are some snack ideas that have a low glycemic index (GI).
Hard-boiled Eggs – You can also go for poached eggs, but hard-boiled ones are much easier to pack and bring with you at work or in school Eggs are high in protein and are low glycemic snacks. You can have one or two in the afternoon and that is enough to fill you up.
Hummus – You can enjoy this with vegetable slices or with whole grain pita bread. In fact, aside from being a snack, this can be your lunch too. Just add some slices of lean meat with it and you are good to go.
Peanut Butter – Yes, you can simply enjoy a few tablespoons of peanut butter for snacks. Make sure, though, that you choose the natural variety because it does not contain sugar, just salt and peanuts. If eating peanut butter alone does not go well with your palate, you can still have a couple of slices of whole grain bread with it or a small serving of natural oats.
Non-Starchy Snacks – Processed junk foods are not allowed in the slow carb diet, but this does not mean that you cannot have your fill of chips. The solution is to find the healthy kind, like those dehydrated vegetables such as kale chips and red bell peppers. They do not contain any preservatives and you can make them yourself if you have a dehydrator at home, so they are very safe to include in your slow carb diet snacks.
Meat Cuts – Meats are not just for main meals, you can also enjoy them for snacks, particularly the deli meats. Do remember to read the label, though, since some brand use sugar on their meats. Choose those with zero sugar, like spiced meat slices. Again, if eating pure meat is not your thing, then consider wrapping it in some lettuce or whole grain soft tortillas for an instant fajitas.
Low GI Dessert Recipes – There are plenty of low glycemic index desserts that you can make at home and pack some over for your snacks. This can range from muffins, pies, and many others.
Fresh Fruits – Some fruits are high in sugar, so you have to be extra careful with this. Some that you can enjoy are cherries, grapefruits, apples, watermelons, and pears. Fruits should actually be limited in a slow carb diet, but as long as you choose those with low GI, then you can enjoy them once in a while.
Nuts and Seeds – There are so many to choose from, like sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, cashews, and many others.
Tips When You are on a Slow Carb Diet
Getting into the slow carb diet is not easy, especially on the onset and if you are used to eating the standard American diet. Here are some tips that will help you stick to this healthy diet. First, eat enough. Do not starve yourself. Remember that you are eating healthy foods, so there really is no reason to watch your calorie count. As long as you are eating slow digesting carbs, then eat until your hunger is satiated. Second, find new favorite foods that are allowed in the slow carb diet. It could be a crab dish or a chicken dish. It may even be a fancy vegetable salad. If you have something to look forward to then staying on this diet will be more enjoyable. Third, remove banned foods from your pantry. It will be harder to resist temptation if you have those sweet treats displayed in your cupboard or right there greeting you once you open the fridge. Get rid of them and make sure that only slow carb foods are present in your home. Finally, enjoy during your cheat day. This is the best thing about the slow carb diet, it lets you eat what you want for a day every week. Therefore, do not worry if you are not able to eat your favorite cake during the week. The excitement that builds up as you approach your cheat day knowing that you can finally have it will just make that slice of cake extra special. So, enjoy that day and plan it well.
As you can see, being on a slow carb diet does not require you to starve yourself. There are plenty of slow carb snacks and meals to choose from and you can enjoy them in generous servings until your hunger is satisfied.
Paleo or Vegan: Which Should You Choose?
When it comes to healthy diet, you have mainly two choices to follow, the Paleo or vegan diet. Many advocates of these diets fight hard to defend their choices, while there are also some who have willingly switched to the other side for personal reasons. If you are one who currently has no restrictions whatsoever with your choice of food but is now committed to living a healthy lifestyle, knowing more about the two can help you make a decision.
The Paleo Diet
This diet is not a new thing, although many think that it is. In fact, it is designed to imitate to a high degree how cavemen used to eat thousands of years ago. Before agriculture was developed, the human diet consisted mainly of meat, fruits, vegetables, and nuts. Experts believe that these foods work in conjunction with the body’s functions. They are nutrient-filled and thus provide what the body needs for optimum cell health. This is why people during that age did not suffer from modern diseases, such as diabetes, cancer, heart problems, and even obesity. When agriculture was developed about 10,000 years ago, everything changed. Grains and legumes were added to the diet and eventually all other foods were processed and have come to where the current diet is at now. The human body, however, has not adapted to this new diet, even until now. This is why you can see people becoming ill of diseases that are caused by the foods you eat. Too much refined sugar has resulted to people developing diabetes, gluten created allergic reactions that eventually caused the cells of the body to mutate and the immune system to weaken, bad fats have resulted to cardiovascular diseases, and so on and so forth. This is why experts suggested that people come back to the original diet that works harmoniously with the body.
As mentioned, the foods you can eat on the Paleo diet consists of meat, vegetables, fruits, and nuts. There should be no processed or junk foods, no grains, no preservatives, and many others. Hence, Paleo living is also coined as healthy living. However, although the foods included in this diet are by themselves already nutritious, there are still some other nutrients that the body need, which is why those following this diet must take Paleo diet supplements.
The Vegetarian Diet
This diet has one rule: no meat or animal products. You can eat all types of fruits, vegetables, grains, legumes, nuts, or any food that does not come from animals. This type of diet eliminates a major source of protein and so they get it instead from nuts, legumes, seeds, soy, and whole grains. Strict vegetarians avoid eggs, honey, and dairy products too because they came from animals, although there are those who allow themselves to eat these. The biggest benefit of the vegan diet is that it eliminates saturated fats from animals, which can elevate cholesterol levels and cause cardiovascular disease. Since most vegetarians are thin, they are also less at risk to develop diabetes. The only problem with this type of diet is that it allows people to eat processed foods as long as they do not contain animal products, like potato chips, artificial sweeteners, and some processed foods, which contain unhealthy fats. Grain also is not generally healthy for the body because they are high in carbohydrates that turn to glucose and spike up the blood sugar levels.
Being a vegetarian, unlike the Paleo diet, has an ethical and spiritual component to it. People who are against the cruel treatment of animals or those who believe in karma normally follow this diet. This is why it is wrong to convince a person who has this belief system to switch to a diet that goes against that.
The Paleo Vegan Diet
Now, since the Paleo advocates are very convincing in asserting the health benefits of this type of diet, it is hard to totally just ignore that. Hence, there is the so-called Paleo vegan or Pegan. Basically, it is a compromise between the two. It allows the consumption of meat but only in very minimal serving, unlike if you are in a Paleo diet where you can eat as much meat as you can. It, however, limits the consumption of grains, legumes, and sugar. Dairy should be avoided as well as processed foods. It is said that this type of diet can result to weight loss, reduce risk for heart disease, and even reverse diabetes.
Whether you choose the Paleo or vegetarian diet is really up to you. As mentioned, the latter has an ethical component so that plays a huge role in your decision-making. Both diets are known to be healthy, but it depends on you which one will work well with your lifestyle and which one you can commit to long term. Certain things are for sure, the Paleo or vegan diet are far more better than the current standard American diet and they are a better approach to acquiring better health than resorting to drugs.
Paleo Muffins: Satisfying and Healthy
If you are looking for the perfect snack to serve your guests tomorrow or a tasty breakfast to serve your kids, then you must definitely consider making some Paleo muffins. Aside from enjoying these yummy treats at home, you can also bring them in your next potluck to show your friends that being healthy does not necessarily mean eating bland and boring foods. Once they get a taste of your muffins, they may even have a change of heart and finally decide to get into the Paleo diet themselves. The good thing about these muffins is that they use slow digesting carbs, which means that they make you feel full longer and that curbs your appetite. They also do not contain gluten, so you can expect a whole lot of health benefits from that. Of course, if you want to please your guests, your friends, or your family, you must first make the best muffins and here are four recipes to start off your reputation as the best muffin maker in your social circle.
Banana Nut Muffins
If you have some overripe bananas left on your dining table, you can put them into good use in this Paleo muffin recipe. Here are what you will need: two ripe bananas, 1 tsp. baking powder, 1 ½ cups almond flour, 1 tsp. baking soda, 1 tsp. cinnamon, a pinch of salt, 1 tsp. vanilla extract, 2 eggs, 1/3 cup of nuts (pecans, walnuts, or almonds), ¼ cup coconut oil, and 2 tbsp. honey.
Preheat the oven at 350oF and line the muffin tins with baking cups. Mash the bananas and combine it with the eggs, coconut oil, honey, and vanilla. In a separate bowl, mix together all the dry ingredients then pour in it your wet mixture. Mix until you form a batter. Blend in the chopped nuts then fill the baking cups with your batter. Bake for about 25 minutes, cool, and enjoy. You may also add some chocolate chips in this recipe, just blend it together with the nuts.
Paleo Carrot Ginger Muffins
Add some spice in your muffins with this recipe. This is perfectly served with your afternoon tea or to impress your coworkers. To make, you will need the following ingredients: ½ cup unsweetened shredded coconut, ½ tsp. powdered ginger, 2 cups almond flour, ½ tsp. sea salt, a pinch of clove, ½ tsp. all spice, 1 tsp. baking soda, 3 eggs, ½ cup coconut oil, 1 tbsp. grated fresh ginger, ½ cup honey, 1 cup grated carrots, ¾ cup of raisins (softened).
Mix together all the dry ingredients in one bowl (this includes the shredded coconut). In another bowl, mix the wet ingredients as well as the fresh ginger, carrots, and raisins. Mix this with your dry ingredients and stir until you have formed your batter. Pour this into your muffin cups and bake for 20 minutes at 350oF.
Blueberry Muffins
Blueberry muffins are considered the favorite of all. Most of you probably have a good memory attached to this delicious baked delight, so whip it up today and make this your Paleo breakfast muffins for tomorrow. You will need the following: ½ cup coconut flour, 3 eggs, 1 tbsp. chia seeds, ½ cup coconut milk, 1 tsp. vanilla extract, 2 tbsp. granulated stevia, 2 tsp. baking powder, 2 tsp. lemon zest, 1/3 cup blueberries, and 20 drops of liquid vanilla stevia.
Preheat your oven to 350oF and fill your muffin tins with baking cups. Mix together the coconut flour, baking powder, and chia seeds in one bowl. In another bowl, mix the wet ingredients until thoroughly blended then pour this in your dry ingredients. Mix together to form your batter. Lastly, add your fresh blueberries. Just fold it in your mixture. Pour the batter in your baking cups and bake for 25 minutes. Let this cool and store in an air tight container. Tomorrow you will wake up to an amazingly delicious and healthy breakfast.
Carrot and Pumpkin Muffin
Here are what you will need for this one of a kind muffin recipe: 1 ½ cup almond flour, 3 eggs, 1 ½ cups fresh carrots shredded, 1 ½ tsp. five spice powder, ½ tsp. cream of tartar, 1 tsp. baking soda, a pinch of sea salt, ½ tsp. cinnamon powder, ¾ cup pumpkin puree, 2 tbsp. almond butter, ½ cup honey, and 1 tsp. coconut oil. As a tip, after shredding the fresh carrots, place it in a cloth and wring it out to remove the carrot juice.
As with the above instructions for other muffin recipes, separately mix together the dry and wet ingredients. Do not include the shredded carrots first. Combine the two mixtures to form your batter and finally add the carrots. Fill your baking cups with your batter mix and bake for 30 minutes at 350oF. If you want your muffins to look attractive, you can also sprinkle some sliced almonds and pumpkin seeds on top of the batter before baking. Let cool (if you can wait) and enjoy.
These Paleo muffins will redefine how you enjoy your breakfast or snack time. Not only are they delicious but very healthy as well that you can enjoy them every day if you want to – no guilt, no worries.
Paleo Meringue Cookies: Treats for Your Sweet Tooth
If there is something absolutely amazing with this caveman diet, it is that it still lets you enjoy your favorite desserts, like the Paleo meringue cookies. Yes, it is impossible to visualize those people during the Paleolithic age to be eating meringue cookies, but this does not mean that you should not either. That is just the beauty of it. Instead of living like cavemen, this diet brings the healthy diet of those days and adapts it to modern cooking. And although the connection has been established between Paleo diet and diabetes, with it helping you manage this disease, it does not mean that you cannot altogether enjoy a sweet treat once in a while. Since you must be salivating to try one of these Paleo desserts and serve it for your family this evening, here are four recipes that will soon be your favorites.
Basic Meringue Cookies
This recipe calls for only a couple of ingredients: egg whites and maple syrup. To be exact, you will need 4 egg whites and half a cup of maple syrup. Combine them in a pot and turn on the stove at low heat. As you do that, whisk the mixture with a hand mixer until you end up with stiff peaks. Remove from heat and transfer the mixture in a pastry bag. Pipe them in a baking sheet that has been lined with a parchment paper. Bake at 200oF for two hours. Let it cool before serving. This recipe makes a hundred cookies, but less if you make larger meringues.
Chocolate Chip Meringue Cookies
Mix together 2 egg whites, a pinch of tartar, and a pinch of salt and beat with a hand mixer until you form soft peaks. Add in a teaspoon of vanilla extract and half a cup of maple syrup (gradually) while mixing all the while. You know you are done when the peaks become glossy and stiff. Transfer the mixture in your pastry bag or even any kind of plastic bag. Just cut a corner for piping out your meringue. Pipe out about 1 ½ inch diameter cookies on a parchment paper lined sheet. Top with mini chocolate chips and bake for 2 hours at 200oF. Let it stay inside the oven as it cools down. It will gradually turn crispy and you can enjoy it then with your family.
Mocha Meringue
Many of you love the flavor of coffee in your desserts and this is one that offers you just that. Mixed with some dark chocolate, this recipe is just heaven on earth. To start, preheat your oven at 200oF. Prepare your cookie sheet by lining it with parchment paper. Now, whisk together 2 egg whites, 1/3 cup maple syrup, and a teaspoon of vanilla. Your end result must be soft peaks. Put this aside.
In a double boiler, dissolve half a teaspoon of instant coffee in a teaspoon of hot water. Add in three ounces of dark chocolate and a tablespoon of coconut butter. Let it melt and mix together until you have a smooth mixture. Drizzle some of this chocolate-coffee mixture in your egg whites, but do not mix. Just scoop that portion off the bowl and transfer it in your pastry bag. Repeat the process on remaining egg whites. You do not need to mix because you want your meringues to have streaks of mocha in it and not become a homogenous mixture. Pipe out the mixture on your cookie sheet and bake for about 2 hours. Let it cool in the oven for another hour before storing in a container or serving.
Dark Chocolate with Nuts
Here is another meringue recipe that is not just delicious but visually attractive as well. This can be your Paleo Christmas cookies because it will blend well with your fancy holiday dinner. Mix together two egg whites, half a cup of honey, and a pinch of salt in a bowl. Place this bowl over a pot of simmering hot water, but avoid letting the hot water touch the bowl. Whisk the mixture until you form soft peaks. Remove this from heat and continue whisking using a hand mixer. Pour in 1 teaspoon of cold water while continuing beating the mixture until your peaks become glossy and stiff. Fold in half a cup of toasted and finely chopped nuts of your choice. You can use hazelnut, almonds, pecans, or cashews, let your imagination work. Pipe them in your cookie sheet using a pastry bag or you can simply scoop them using a tablespoon. Bake at 175oF for one and a half hours then let it cool inside the oven for another hour. For the final touch, melt four ounces of dark chocolate in the microwave. Dip each meringue in it and then on some more nuts. Let the chocolate firm up and serve.
These Paleo meringue cookies are so easy to make and you do not have to feel any guilt as you enjoy them. As you can see, there was just a very simple substitution of using maple syrup or honey as sweetener instead of using refined sugar. That is it, and voila you can make various flavors and decorate your meringues to make them extra delectable.
Paleo Diet Supplements That You Need to Take
Paleo diet supplements are important if you are on this diet. As health professionals often suggest, it is best that you get your nutritional requirements from your diet than from pills. This is the ideal scenario, but it is sometimes unachievable because you cannot eat enough servings of a fruit, vegetable, or meat in one day to meet that requirement. This is very true today where everyone seems to be in a hurry to have time to sit down and eat a proper meal or too conscious to chow down too much food for fear of gaining weight. It is a good thing that the Paleo diet somehow helps you meet those daily dietary requirements simply because the foods included in it are by themselves very nutritious. You will not be eating empty calories that will just satiate you but fail to nourish your cells. In other words, those Paleo muffins are not fattening at all, but rather nourishing. However, since there are certain foods that are not allowed to be eaten in the Paleo diet, it is understandable that you might not get enough of some nutrients that your body essentially needs too. Before discussing what supplements to take while on Paleo, take time to know the nutrients that you get from it first.
Is the Paleo Diet Healthy?
The answer to this is a big yes. The Paleo diet grocery list consists of meat, fruits, vegetables, and nuts, and here the nutrients that you get from them.
Protein – You can get twice as much protein from a Paleo diet compared to a standard Western diet. In the Paleo diet, you get it mostly from meat and nuts. Protein is important because it helps build muscle mass, which subsequently help you lose weight. It also contributes in better bone density, improved brain function, and better sleep.
Fiber – This nutrient improves bowel movement, stabilizes blood sugar levels, curbs appetite, lowers cholesterol levels, and promotes healthy skin, among others. With all these benefits, it is good to know that a Paleo diet normally contains 2 to 3 times more fiber than a regular Western diet.
Vitamins – Particularly vitamin A, C, E, K, and B complex, are present in generous amounts in a Paleo diet. These vitamins have different roles but mostly for healthy cell function.
Antioxidants – Fruits and vegetables are very rich in antioxidants, which according to studies, aid in cell health. They neutralize the free radicals that are byproducts of metabolism and are present in the polluted surroundings. These free radicals damage the cells that eventually lead to early aging, cancer, and many other diseases.
Minerals – Minerals like magnesium, iron, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, zinc, copper, manganese, and selenium are also present in adequate amounts in a Paleo diet. These minerals do not only feed the cells in the body but work well in maintaining the bodily system for it to function efficiently.
Supplements for Paleo Diet
It may seem that the Paleo diet has everything covered, but there are some nutrients missing from it that are important for your body as well. This is why you need to take supplements in order to get a healthy dosage of them.
Vitamin D – This vitamin is actually present in oily fish, but this meat is seldom enjoyed by everyone regularly so it is not surprising to not get enough of it from your diet. Vitamin D is essential for the health of bone and teeth. You need it in order to absorb calcium. New studies have also shown that vitamin D can slow down the progression of cancer. The best source, of course, is to just spend a few minutes in the morning under the sun, but if you would rather ingest pills, there are vitamin D gel capsules available in drug stores.
Omega-3 Fatty Acids – This is important for fighting aging and for brain health. This nutrient is most present in fatty fish, like salmon, but since you cannot eat salmon every day, then your next option is to get it from a supplement. The recommended dosage of this nutrient is still under debate because it somewhat depends on how much omega-6 fatty acids you are taking in from your diet each day. The recommended ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 differs from one expert to the next. Some says it should be 1 to 1, others, 2 to 1, and 5 to 1. If you eat a healthy diet that contain very little omega-6, then you might not even have to supplement with this.
Probiotics – This is for the health of your digestive system. Unknown to many, many diseases start from your stomach, so do not ever think that diarrhea or IBS or Celiac disease are your only worries when it comes to your gut, as diseases like arthritis, Chrohn’s, and depression can be traced back to it too.
These are the three most important Paleo diet supplements to keep in mind of. Some people still take multivitamins or mineral supplements, but they usually are a waste of money because those available today are not efficiently absorbed by the body anyway. Getting them from your diet is still the best route, so even if you are eating healthily in the Paleo diet, make sure that you get enough servings of your fruits, vegetables, and meat every day.
Paleo Diet and Diabetes: Connecting the Dots
Knowing the connection between the Paleo diet and diabetes is a natural course of action considering that the said diet claims to make you healthier. If a diet makes such a claim, experts, researchers, and medical professionals will have to place that on trial to prove how true the claim is. Otherwise, all those who decide to stick to this diet for the hope of becoming healthier will merely be following blindly based on stated claims and not on hard evidence.
What is Diabetes?
This is essentially the inability of a body to regulate insulin production. There are two main types of diabetes: Type 1 and Type 2. Type 1 diabetes consists of just about 5% to 10% of those afflicted with this disease. It is a condition where the pancreas produces very little insulin or none at all. The patient will have no choice but to have regular injections of insulin to regulate his or her blood sugar levels. Type 2 diabetes affects about 90% of sufferers. In this case, the body is unable to use the insulin that it makes. While type 1 is thought to be caused by an autoimmune disorder, type 2 has a stronger link to diet and lifestyle. Ingesting too much sugar or carbohydrates (which turn into sugar in the body) will prompt the pancreas to produce large amounts of insulin and if this happens frequently, the receptor cells in the body will become less sensitive until your system does not react appropriately even if you have enough insulin. Insulin resistance results to inability to remove sugar from the blood, hence the high levels. This is why people with type 2 diabetes are also commonly overweight. With proper diet, type 2 diabetes can be managed and even reversed. The traditional diet for diabetes must contain complex carbohydrates, fiber, healthy fat, and low salt. This is the good thing with Paleo because even if you have diabetes, you can still enjoy your Paleo meringue cookies, which contains healthy ingredients. As a warning, not managing your diabetes can result to damaged kidneys, retinopathy, stroke, and even heart attack.
Scientific Studies
Several studies have been done to see the effects of the Paleo diet on diabetes. In one study consisting of 29 diabetic patients, 14 of them were made to eat a Paleo diet while the other 15 ate a Mediterranean diet that includes low fat dairy, whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and healthy fats. The result after 12 weeks was amazing. Those who ate the Mediterranean diet saw no change in their blood sugar levels while those in the Paleo diet had normal blood sugar after the study. It was also observed that Paleo eaters lost some inches around their waists. Researchers attribute this success to the Paleo diet that did not contain any grains and dairy products.
In another study, the focus was placed on the level of satiety, or the ability of the food to satisfy your hunger for a longer deal of time. The participants in this study were also diabetics and they were divided into two groups. One group ate a Paleo diet while the other included grains and dairy products. Their meals were measured and weighed, and the participants were then asked how satisfied they were after a meal. It was found that those eating a Paleo diet ate lesser calories to feel full yet have the same level of satisfaction as those eating a traditional diet. Consequently, it was observed that those eating Paleo have experienced weight loss and have lower sugar levels after the study. There is just one catch. Paleo eaters complained that their food was boring and bland and so they wonder if they will be able to stick to it for long term to continue reaping the health benefits.
Quality vs. Quantity
In both studies, it showed that the quality of carbohydrates plays a major role over quantity. Hence, if you have diabetes, counting calories should not be your focus but instead you must ensure that you only choose complex carbohydrates, which take longer to digest. This means that as it turns into sugar in the body, it does so gradually and that regulates the production of insulin. Blood sugar levels will be stabilized instead of shooting up and down.
Paleo Diet Tips
As mentioned, one observation during the study is the inability to adhere to the Paleo diet. There are many ways to solve this. First, experiment in the kitchen to create amazing and delicious Paleo recipes. If you are not good at this, then turn to recipe books for Paleo eaters. They do not only contain fascinating recipes but are filled with meal plan suggestions so you do not have to worry every day. Second, always keep in mind the Paleo diet benefits. If it can help you manage your diabetes so that you no longer have to take medicines or inject yourself with insulin, then it is very much worth sacrificing the unhealthy processed foods that you used to eat.
Now that you know the connection between the Paleo diet and diabetes, you have more reasons to remove all those unhealthy foods from your pantry. It is time to be more conscious of the food that you put in your body if you want to live longer and avoid the complications of this alarming disease.
Paleo Chicken Breast Recipes: Healthy and Very Satisfying
Paleo chicken breast recipes can be your go-to dishes anytime of the week because they are not only healthy, but good sources of protein too, which is very ideal for people who intend to build muscle mass. As long as you remove the skin, you can practically gorge on it. However, since it is very filling, there really is no need to eat too many to finally feel full. A serving of lean chicken breast meat contains about 135 calories and 3 grams of fat. It has 25 grams of protein and is also loaded with vitamins and minerals, like magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, and vitamin A. The best part is that you can also prepare it in many ways. These Paleo chicken dishes, for instance, will make your family be very grateful that you finally made the switch to the Paleo diet.
Chicken Breast with Garlic and Lemon
After trying that Paleo bars recipe for breakfast, why not treat yourself for a lunch of garlic-lemon chicken. All you need for this are 2 boneless and skinless chicken breasts, 2 small lemons, 2 cloves of garlic, 2 tbsp. of oil, a bit of salt and pepper.
Rub the chicken breasts with salt and pepper then set aside. In a pan, sauté the chopped garlic and place slices of lemons over the bottom of the pan. Lay the chicken meat over the lemons and then top the chicken with more lemon slices. Cover the pan and maintain the heat on medium. Let the chicken cook from the slow heat and the steam. Once almost done, turn up the heat and brown both sides of the chicken. You can enjoy them right away as is or you may prepare a bowl of fresh garden salad on the side.
Paleo Rosemary and Balsamic Chicken
Rosemary is the perfect herb to use with chicken. It just gives this meat that nice herby flavor that you would love to keep coming back for. The balsamic vinegar completes the taste of this dish as it adds a sweetness that makes this chicken dish extra delicious.
To prepare, you will need 3 boneless/skinless chicken breasts, 2 tsp. of rosemary (preferably fresh), ¼ cup balsamic vinegar, 1 tbsp. olive oil, 2 cloves of garlic, and salt and pepper to taste. Clean the meat and pat dry. Rub some salt and paper all over the chicken breasts and place in a baking dish. Drizzle the olive oil, chopped garlic, and minced rosemary over the meat. You may want to press down the herbs to rub the flavor on the chicken breasts. Bake this for 25 minutes at 400oF. Remove from the oven and drizzle with the balsamic vinegar. You are now ready to enjoy this delectable dish. It can be your Paleo dinner for tonight.
Lettuce-Wrapped Chicken Breasts
This is a tangy dish, thanks to the juices of lemon, lime, and orange added to it. Combined with a host of herbs and spices, this dish may end up present on your table at least once a week. For this recipe, you will need 3 chicken breasts, 2 lemons, 2 limes, half a cup of orange juice, ½ tsp. minced jalapeno pepper, ½ tbsp. chili powder, ¼ tsp. paprika, 2 cloves of garlic (minced), lettuce, and salt and pepper to taste.
Marinate the chicken in the juices, spices, salt and pepper. You can do this inside a zip lock bag so you can really massage the marinade on the meat. Let this sit for an hour inside the fridge.
Preheat oven at 400oF. Place the chicken in a baking dish and bake for about 15 minutes or until brown. Place the cooked chicken breasts on top of the lettuce wraps and top with a chipotle dressing. If you like, you may also garnish it with crisp bacon slices and guacamole.
Tandoori Chicken
If you want a taste of India on your dinner, then this is the recipe for you. You will need 2 pounds of chicken breast, half a cup of yogurt, juice from 1 lemon, 1 tsp. cayenne, 1 tbsp. minced garlic, 1 tsp. ground coriander, 1 tbsp. minced ginger, 1 tbsp. paprika, 1 tsp. cumin, 1 tsp. salt, and 2 tsp. garam masala.
Mix all the ingredients together except the meat. Cut the breasts into cubes of about 1 inch sizes. Marinate in the mixture overnight in the refrigerator to really let the flavors seep in the meat. Thread the meat slices in the skewers and grill. Serve and enjoy. This is best served with roasted vegetables.
With these amazing Paleo chicken breast recipes, you will be wishing you had chicken every day. Inspired by different cuisines, you will always enjoy a different flavor even if you use the same meat slices. Most of all, you are loading your body with protein, vitamins, and minerals to keep you healthy and strong.
Paleo Bars Recipe: A Good Start to Your Day
With the busy lifestyle nowadays, you will be glad if you have a handy Paleo bars recipe that will allow you to get on with your day fast without sacrificing health. Consider this the breakfast counterpart of those Paleo chicken breast recipes that you enjoy over lunch or dinner. If you commit to the Paleo diet in every meal of the day, then you can enjoy its health benefits faster.
Advantages of Breakfast Bars over a Traditional Breakfast
Here are the reasons why you should consider eating Paleo protein bars for breakfast.
Grab and Go – Most people work more than 8 hours a day. They start early and end late, with just enough hours to rest. Preparing a traditional breakfast meal can eat up more of that time, so your best alternative are protein bars that you can prepare in advance and just grab in the morning. You can even eat these while driving to work.
Tasty Treat – If you have the right recipes, you can certainly create protein bars that are not just healthy but very tasty as well. Add some nuts in it or some fruits for a punch of extra flavor. With so many varieties, you will never be bored with these treats too.
Packed with Nutrients – A single serving of a breakfast bar can supply you with much needed protein, calcium, fiber, and iron. They are also very low in sugar, especially if you prepare them yourself. Speaking of which, be careful when opting for off-the-shelves protein bars. Read the labels to see how much sugar they contain as some brands have 8 grams of sugar in it or even more.
Formulating Your Breakfast Bars
What is great about these bars is that you can practically make your own formulations based on the ingredients that you want to be present in them. If you love chocolate, then add some dark chocolates in them. If you like it to be crunchy, then try some nuts. Basically, though, these are what should be present in your breakfast bars.
Protein – This fills you up so you can avoid getting hurry by 9 am. You can use pumpkin seeds or eggs in your bars to put enough protein in them.
Sugar – Sugar is important because it gives you energy. Too much of this, however, can make you more at risk to having diabetes. When adding sugar to your bars, consider healthy alternatives, like honey and maple syrup. Stay away from refined sugar.
Fiber – This makes you feel fuller for a longer duration, too. Get it from fruit sources, like unsweetened dried fruits.
Fat – Use healthy fat for your quick Paleo breakfast bars. Good choices are coconut oil and nuts.
If you are at a loss on how to make your own breakfast bars, here are few recipes to inspire you.
Cherry Paleo Granola Bars
You will need ½ cup of shredded coconuts, ½ cup sunflower seeds, 2 eggs, 1 tbsp. honey, 1 tsp. vanilla, 1 cup walnuts, 1 cup almonds, 1/3 cup of dried cherries, 1/3 cup dried cranberries, ½ tsp. cinnamon, and salt to taste.
Mix the dry and wet ingredients separately and then combine. Transfer in a square baking pan and press down to even the surface. Bake at 350oF for 20 minutes. Let it cool before cutting into rectangular pieces. Store this in an airtight container and its ready for your morning meals.
Pecan Paleo Bars
Who does not like pecans? This recipe is so delicious that you might never go back to eating fried eggs or bacons for breakfast. To make, you will need the following: ½ cup chopped pecans, 1 banana, 2 eggs, ½ tsp. vanilla, 1 cup shredded coconut, ½ cup coconut flour, ¼ cup honey, 4 tbsp. coconut milk, and coconut oil to grease your pan.
Mash your banana and mix it with the eggs, honey, and vanilla. Add in the coconut flour, milk, and shredded coconuts and mix well to form your batter. Transfer in a square pan that has been greased with coconut oil. Sprinkle the pecans over the batter and bake for 25 minutes at 350oF. Let it cool and store. This could just be the best Paleo breakfast you ever had.
Carrot Bars
The above two recipes used fruits and nuts, now it is time to incorporate some vegetables into your bars. For this recipe you will need 1 cup of grated carrots, 1 cup grated zucchini, 2 eggs, 1 tsp. grated ginger, 1 cup almond meal, 2 tsp. honey, 1/3 cup pecans, and 1/3 cup raisins.
Mix all the ingredients together to make your batter. Pour in a square baking dish and bake at 350oF for 20 minutes. Let it cool and cut into pieces. Preparation time for this is barely 30 minutes and yet you have created several bars that you can enjoy for many days.
One thing to remember with the above recipes is to choose unsweetened ingredients, like unsweetened dried fruits and unsweetened coconuts. That will keep the sugar content of your protein bars. You really do not need them to be too sweet as the other ingredients (fruits, vegetables, and nuts) will give them the delicious flavors. By trying out the above examples, it will be easier for you to create your own Pale bars recipe just by substituting with your preferred healthy ingredients.
Low Gi Dessert Recipes for Guilt-Free Indulgence
A meal cannot be complete without a serving of your favorite dessert and you can definitely enjoy that every time with these low GI dessert recipes. GI refers to the glycemic index, or the rate by which a carbohydrate can be digested by the body and turned into sugar. The faster the rate, the higher the GI and vice versa. For optimum health, it is advised that you stick to foods with low glycemic index because they keep you feeling full longer, they provide sustained energy, and they do not spike up your blood sugar levels. Now, desserts are often associated with sugar because of their sweet taste, but not all have a high GI. It really depends on what you use as a sweetener. For your healthy indulgence, here are four low GI desserts that can also serve as your slow carb snacks.
Peanut Butter Banana Cookies (No Bake)
For some people, baking can be a very challenging task. If you are one of them yet you are very eager to make your own low glycemic desserts, here is the right low glycemic cookie for you. You will need the following ingredients: 2 ripe bananas, 4 tbsp. milled flaxseed, 2 ¾ cups natural oats, ¾ cup natural peanut butter, 1/3 cup unsweetened cocoa powder, 4 tbsp. almond milk (unsweetened), 1 ½ tbsp. coconut oil, and a tablespoon of stevia powder.
Mash your bananas and mix it with the almond milk, cocoa powder, and peanut butter in a pan. Put in low heat while stirring constantly and continue mashing the banana until the mixture is well blended. Pour in the flaxseed, oats, coconut oil, and stevia. Mix until blended and remove from heat. Your mixture must be very thick.
Line a cookie sheet with parchment paper and scoop spoonfuls of the mixture on it. Shape them with the back of your spoon to form circular cookies. Place them in the freezer until they have firmed up and enjoy.
Pears a la Mode
Fruits are not really recommended to be eaten regularly in a slow carb diet, but pears have a low glycemic index, so you can enjoy them every now and then. To prepare this slow carb dessert, all that you will need are the following: one medium pear, ¼ tsp. cinnamon powder, ¼ tbsp. honey, ½ tsp. nutmeg, and half a cup of frozen unsweetened yogurt.
Slice the pear and fry in a non-stick frying pan until it turns golden brown. Place in individual serving dishes then sprinkle with honey, nutmeg, and cinnamon. Top it off with the yogurt. This is so easy to make that you can whip this up for those surprise guests that you may have.
Carrot Cake
This low glycemic version of this favorite dessert will have you craving for more. This is so healthy that you will never feel guilty even if you grab your second slice. To make, prepare the following ingredients: 3 cups almond flour, a pinch of sea salt, 1 tsp. baking soda, 1 tsp. nutmeg, 1 tbsp. cinnamon, ½ cup honey, 5 eggs, ¼ cup grapeseed oil, 3 cups grated carrots, a cup of walnuts, and a cup of raisins.
Preheat the oven at 325oF. Mix separately the dry and wet ingredients. The carrots, walnuts, and raisins must go to the bowl containing the wet ingredients but added last. Combine both mixtures together and blend to make your batter. Pour in a 9-inch cake pan and bake for 40 minutes or until the center is no longer moist upon sticking with a toothpick. Let it cool and serve. You can serve this as is or you can opt to top this with coconut cream frosting.
Black Bean Pecan Brownies
For this amazing and unique recipe you will need these ingredients: 1 can of 15 oz. black beans, 1/3 cup egg substitute, ¼ cup non hydrogenated margarine, ½ cup skim milk, 1 tbsp. vanilla, ½ cup unsweetened cocoa powder, ½ cup whole wheat flour, ½ cup honey, a pinch of salt, 1 tsp. baking powder, and half a cup of chopped pecans.
Preheat the oven at 350oF. Drain the black beans and drain then place in a food processor and puree for a minute. Add in the margarine, vanilla, milk, and egg and continue processing until well blended. In a separate bowl, mix together the dry ingredients. Combine this with the pureed ingredients and mix well until you form your batter. Transfer everything in an 8-inch square baking pan then sprinkle with the toasted pecans. Bake for about 20 minutes and let it cool.
If you have noticed in most of these recipes, all-purpose flour is substituted with almond flour or whole wheat flour. Skim milk or almond milk is also used instead of regular milk. Most importantly, instead of using refined sugar, honey or stevia are preferred. All other ingredients are also unsweetened. This perfect substitutions and combinations make these low GI dessert recipes very healthy. They even include real fruits and vegetables for that added punch of nutrients. With these types of recipes, there really is no reason for you not to enjoy your desserts.