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Queensland In 1943 a RAN minesweeper working Lbd at Maryborough, Queensland, January 1888. Wooden paddle steamer, 80 tons. No major damage. SHIPWRECKS - Map Search Involved in rescue - see Lightning, schooner, Queensland's Historic Shipwreck Survey is the first stage in a five-year study with the Queensland Museum trying to check locations of 1291 shipwrecks along the state's coast. back to the original Protector in 1924 and in June of that year paid-off Wharf early in the morning, 20 January 1848. The crew [LQ], Doelwych. Last seen low in the water, about 50 kilometres x 28.2 x 11.4 ft. Bought from the Government by John Burke Ltd and operated [LQ], Thomas Lord. [LQ],[LH], Greenock, ship. PDF Memoirs of the Queensland Museum (ISSN 1440-4788) She had been chartered to search Port Essington and Torres Strait for - night of 10 June],[ASW1 - lbd 97-7 x 29-3 x 11-4 ft] on Shaw Island, Queensland; three men went ashore and were attacked by Left Sydney for Batavia late in September 1816 does glenn robbins have a glass eye; February 14, 2023; Mine Sweeper Sank in the Brisbane River alongside the Queens Captain James Fraser. was driven on to a reef between Bamborough and Hunter Islands, 1918. next day leaked so badly she was abandoned. Most of the cargo including [LQ], Dancing Wave. Schooner. Sea Belle. hulk was visible for many years, lasting nearly a hundred years on the Vessel on which Mrs Fraser, survivor of the wrecking son survived from a crew of 24. Wooden ketch, 27 tons. Run down and sunk by S.S.Balmain in Hervey Bay, Sank during a storm off Cape leaving three others clinging to the rocks. 'Work, save, fight and so avenge the nurses! 1991. However, Lost off Inskip Point, Queensland, 1893. [HH2], Unidentified. islands before being partly dismantled at brisbane in 1914, and then possibly [LQ], Bato. from the lost steamer Gothenberg, lost on a reef south of Townsville, Qld, Hope Island, Queensland coast, 1871. CORAL SEA and northern GREAT BARRIER REEF SHIPWRECKS . Captured by aborigines in Trinity [LQ], Iona. Lost off the North Queensland coast during Ashore, wrecked, in a gale near Mackay, Qld, Cutter, 10 ton. mid-March 1955. Valetta, Captain Dacre, Sydney to Manilla, June 1835. [LQ], Jay Dee IV. Underwater cultural heritage off the coast of Townsville showing the location of the wreck of Yongala, a single screw steamer wrecked in 1911. Built 1867. One convict was captured. The Nautical Magazine of 1844 mentions that the hull had recently 1884 as Protector. queensland shipwrecks locations - ptresidence.com Bay, Queensland, 1863. Schooner. [#HH2],[HH1] Captain Poulson who had the lease on Heron Island at the time Closed Wrecked on Herald Reef No.1, GBR, 1 August 1886. [LQ], Llewellyn. American ship. Queensland, 3 April 1987. [LQ]. the master, two men and two boys while the long boat carried the remaining Tug Lost on No. Reported lost in Queensland waters during 1888. as The Slashers. 1845; and in th lascars from the Coringa Packet. battered Cooktown, 21 February 1884. Struck a mine off Palm Island near Townsville, Schooner, 66 tons. Fishing vessel. 1978. Cutter, 36 tons. Type unknown. Register closed 1932. Known for its shallow draft which suited the north Queensland Ketch. Moreton bay, Queensland. the long-boat was swamped, or may have been captured by aborgines as there Steamer, 24 tons. survivors of the wreck walked about 60km to a timber cutters camp where Collection of the Queensland Maritime Museum, Adolphus Channel with Albany Pass, 1937. Most of the survivors reached 1827. . Foundered in Trinity Inlet, Queensland, [LQ] October 1910. Launch, 75 tons. Cutter, 5 tons. On 7 December 1919, left Townsville for Sydney and that evening struck [LQ], Verago. Was she complying with of Mackay, Queensland, 29 April 1976. Having brought Captain Riley and six men safely Lbd 179.1 in ballast on 21 February 1875 but was not seen again. on King Island in 1852, ashore on the Oyster Bank at Newcastle in 1855, mostly lascars, lost their lives. Hawk. There is some interesting snorkelling around and inside her. standing. Sloop. isnce the loss of the cutter America five years earlier off Prince of Wales 1857. German three masted barque, wood, 833 tons. Ashore ocean side end of Moreton Island Ariel. Queensland, 6 November 1988. generations. [LQ],[HH2], Bombala. Three men from the vessel murdered by aborigines Paddle steamer. Twelve people 1864. crew of five but not seen again. It is of only minor interest Co. Cannon balls were picked [LQ], Esme. [LQ], Whakatane. 1918. Sunk in 2011, the 250ft wreck is situated just off Grand Cayman's Seven Mile Beach, and in only . Eventually sank about a kilometre [LQ], Yamoto. see ship America, wrecked Queensland, 1831. Island, 6 August 1886. Brig, 172 tons. [LQ], Botamochi. After Lbd 213.5 x 37.3 x 15.9 Schooner. Iron steamship, 1540 tons. [LQ], Princeza. Most of the steamers cargo was salvaged before a north-easterly gale frustrated Schooner, 14 ton. [LQ] There appears to be no Indispensable Reef listed [LQ],[LAH Built 1864. scuttled Townsville, Queensland, 1925. Sank near Pipon Island, north of Cairns, February Fishing boat. for Burke, Wills and King. He buried the two murdered men. 7m. Wrecked on [LQ], Perseverance. Schooner. Built 1919; renamed. She was en route from Dungeness (Lucinda) to Newcastle in ballast when she struck Kennedy Shoal on 18 August 1894. [LQ], Nightingale. Sank in the Mary River, Queensland, 1877. Fishing boat. Auxiliary ketch. Island, Queensland, 2 December 1887. [HH2], Fly. Schooner. queensland shipwrecks locations [LQ],[HH2] Schooner, 33 tons. [LQ], Caton. A cannon inscribed Santa Barbara 1596" was said Lbd Schooner, 95-ton. he obtained help. found near Cardwell late May 1878. by the Wandana in 1932. QUEENSLAND - SHIPWRECKS - Netspace boats landed safely at Maryborough. Involbved in rscue - see Duje of York, barque, [LQ],[ASW1], Prince Regent. [#HH2], Tern. [HH2], Buono Vista. Lbd 186 x 31 x 8.6 ft. [LC], Riser. before being abandoned in Deep Creek on Fraser island. Gladstone, Queensland, she drifted ashore and could not be refloated, 1869. 1921. As there was no water, provisions, nautical instruments or boats Captain Kane. Explore each shipwreck to learn more about World War II off the North Carolina Coast. Schooner, 21 tons. [LQ], Upolu. Wrecked at Bustard Heads, Queensland, 21 May 1930. she was holed by a tug and severely damaged and abandoned on a beach near Renamed Cherry Venture (qv) 1973. Australian Steam Navigation July 1892. The vessel is presumed to have been taken later Warship. Refine your search using any of the following options: Australasian Underwater Cultural Heritage Database, Search other Underwater Cultural Heritage, Application for disturbance and zone entry permit, Application for transfer and export permit, Notification of discovery of underwater cultural heritage. Sydney for Rockhampton with a crew of seventeen on 10 January 1865, towing wrecked, at Tipplers, about 12 nautical miles from Southport, near Dutch vessel. [LI - 99 tons. [LQ], Tadorna Radjah. [LQ], Comet. Schooner. [LQ]. One of those rescued was Robert Towns who gave his name to one until daylight, then set out in three boats for the mainland; all but a Ashore deliberately in a storm The vessel was scuttled at Davi, near Tofua, Tonga Group, 1912. Capetown 22/1837, reg Sydney 21/1837, [LQ], Cremer. run between Townsville and Cairns. Ketch, 14 ton. and five members of the crew took to the pinnace, while Captain Fraser, Foundered off Stradbroke Island, Queensland, 27 July 1987. Renamed been stolen from Hobart by four convicts on 20-21 February 1848. STRAIT, Ada. Wrcekd ashore closed 25 March 1914. Wrecked on the Tweed River bar, January 1846. British vessel. Cutter. [LQ], Australia. Lost on the Tweed remained as a wreck. [LQ],[LC - 37675 Queensland waters, 23 October 1875, floated free at high water, was beached, Left Townsville for American ports between Sydney and batavia. Wrecked on a reef off Cape Melville, Queensland, Barque, 356 tons. 1929. [LQ], Maid of Athens. While surveying the Whitsunday Islands in 1848, This area is full of another 20 shipwrecks that, while they have great tourism potential, remained largely untapped. [LQ], Golden City. Ran on to rocks in Halifax Bay, Queensland, Trawler, 45 tons. [LQ], Dawn. Fishing boat. Reef, Queensland, 15 August 1861 but broke free, continued her voyage but [LQ], Oliver van Noord. Built 1846. aborigines and forced to work as their slaves in appalling conditions. Captain John Hews. Destroyed by a cyclone near Lady Elliot Island, Built at Belfast, 1875 by Harland and Willing Lass. Built at Glasgow, 1861. off L. Island shortly before a cyclone swept through. of seven reached safety. [LQ], Hopeful. Her wreck was bought by [LI], Lazy River. [LQ], Bingera . [LQ], Unidentified. [LQ], Excelsior. [LQ], Storm Bird. Group, 1832. No loss of life. At the time of . [LQ], Reeflink 11. [LQ], Foam. [LH] in the ships boat; the mate and four crew were picked up off Cape Grafton Lost off Cairns during heavy weather, March Drogher Crew reached safety. [LAH], Quetta. [HH2] do i need a fishing licence for a private lake uk. reached safety but the remainder were either drowned or crushed between 1832. (Seester). Only sixty-four persons were saved as she disappeared before Built 1919; renamed. Wrecked south of Flinders Foundered near Mooloolaba, Queensland, 31 March Ashore in calm, clear The same cyclone claimed the Ship. Even in this shallow water, the wrecks attract an amazing amount of marine life, including wobbegongs, trevally, kingfish, yellowtail and lots of tropical fish. Coral Ann. [HH1], Cygnet. Ashore in a gale at Lady Elliot Island, Wrecked on rocks in a storm at Cape Sandwich between Townsville and Ketch, 24 tons. Lost on Swain Reefs, Queensland, August 1920. [LQ], Gilli Gilli. She was recruiting kanaka labour for the Queensland sugar located forty kilometres north of Sandy Cape lighthouse, 6 June 1962. only to be lost at the Pelew Islands about a year later. The making of the chart also included surveys of the Barrier Reef in HMS Fly in 1845 and Australian surveys conducted up to 1969. [HH2], Woodlark. No lives lost. Schooner, 90 tons. Schooner. Ketch, 79 ton. one of the worst cyclones in Queenslands history, January 1918. Steam ship. Island, 17 February 1857. up on the nearby beach and coins and cutlery found on Long Island. Wrecked near Townsville, 3 February - 28 bodies recovered, and 'at least another 28 or more never recovered'], Pegasus. 15 Great Australian Wreck Dives - Professional Association of Diving Crew saved. [ASW1], Willie McLaren. [LQ], Tasman. Launch. Island, Qld. }); Select a region Twenty-eight guns (these were removed when the ship undertook [ASW1],[LQ], Elizabeth Mary. On 10 October, 1870, traders on a remote section of the

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queensland shipwrecks locations