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Sirius people are people who often fit in neither with their biological family nor their chosen family. Menu grigor dimitrov coach; welly motorcycle models; sneed buddy battlegrounds Again, it is important to remember that Sirius wants you to realign yourself with people. Over the years, after working with numerous clients around Sirius, Ive learned about its connections with alienation, cultural memory, and simulacra. With the Nodes, you can combine the interpretations of the Sun and the Moon conjunct Sirius. Since I heard the word sirius for the first time I felt I need to know more about this. It is important to remember that liberal wound culture fetishizes certain forms of vulnerabilities and that representing your own history of struggle through the rhetoric of liberal wound culture actually conceals your pain. ohhh about the metal.. i recieve msgs about the metal a while ago hehe cool.. thanks . For me the mars on nadir (which ive seen refered to as the hand of god) is like a steady powerhouse at the base of everything, made sense once I saw this and articles like this. From what I have gathered a Star Paran a planet 45 degree angle is powerful or is the Aspect only powerful when on the actual angles of the horoscope ? It really helped me because I have a stellium of six planets conjunct my Imum Coeli in Capricorn (Mars, Uranus and Neptune in the 3rd House; and Saturn, Venus and Mercury in the 4th House). Have a good day !. Mercury-Sirius people look for memories because theyre looking for truth. I am libra. It is merely an energy flow problem where the energy is restricted at times. Ascendant conjunct Sirius and born at night: Insolent, cruel, lacking in mercy, hasty, rapacious, agitated and drunk. eight A lot of folks with this star prominent in their charts are first generation immigrants, are estranged from family, or exist as outliers in some way. Hi, I have Neptune 5 degrees from my ascendant in Scorpio (in the 12th house), Uranus 8 degrees from my MC and Pluto 8 degrees and 19 minutes, (does that count?) About IOT; The Saillant System; Flow Machine. Cancer and the 4th house have to do with nurturing , the mother , the home , as the place of refuge which you find comfort and emotional security.It also has to do with real estate.Chiron here would indicate a possible wounding in one of the areas Ive just mentioned and an area that needs healing.Im sorry to say that I cant really define for you what this conjunction means.Maybe the things Ive mentioned will give you some FOOD for thought , and you can apply it to some of the definition of sirius in this blog.. Maybe some tragedy affecting a whole generation. I was wrapping my head about the possible meanings of that. North node 13 cancer10thH. For exampleif someone has Uranus conjunct the ascendant,then they have a special connection to all that this planet indicates. They are major players as angles are the most personal points of your chart. sirius conjunct ascendant astrology You do have a powerful chart and a big need to bring yourself out to the world. The more the rejection, the more the energy is projected through people that we attract into our lives. People with the Moon in hard aspect to Sirius often experience double foreignness. Ok! Your career will be unusual and unpredictable. And what unconditional love in society is realy about. Yet, I do not understand what the Rising and Culminating can possibly mean. Venus is the disciplinary power of norm setting and Mars is the perceived threat of the cultural outsider. Does the star affect these aspects as well? [1], A splendid and illustrious life; glorious, mighty and commanding nature; fame, busy with many activities, bountiful resources, well known or feared in cities and regions. Thanks! I do agree with Neptune and Uranus in your MC. This star so placed is most excellent for military, lawyers and civil servants. With someone's ascendant conjunct the other person's ascendant, the ascendant can fall into the seventh house of the descendant person. Sirius people have the choice to perform pain within liberal wound culture. ' (Euphratean Stellar Researches). The Moon in here wants to be appreciated for its caring and care-taking abilities. I have my ascendent at 5 degrees libra, sun also at 5. Its a story about exceptionalism. Hello! Warragul Lighting & Accessories sirius conjunct descendant I dont have a question about it, Im just still trying to figure it all out. Gauquelin did a very detailed research where he found that planets conjunct either side of the angles are related to prominence. This is more true for those who have retrograde Uranus wherein it is more difficult to express your uniqueness through action. Cancer is a nurturing sign it may be a healing career either of a cancerian or Capricornic nature. I dont know why but its something that happens more than its supposed to, statistically speaking. A caring and loyal family. In almost every story that I could find regarding Sirius, its a dog. All the best! As always some people will like you for it while others (more Saturnian kind) may get threatened. It is true that certain signs stand out more than others when it comes to intuition. Think of roots of a tree or plant; they are buried beneath. Everything came from the big bang so everything from the stars to our DNA has an energetic link. Manilius, Astronomica, 1st century AD, book 1, p.34-37. 2. Im trying to work out a better manifestation of it since its clearly influential. It is considered that influence especially in conjunctions with planets or important points in the natal chart (especially the Sun, Moon, Ascendant, Midheaven, Descendant, Bottom of the Sky). Probably Canopus? At the same time, transiting Saturn will conjunct my Neptune, then Jupiter, all while transiting Neptune will conjunct my Sun/Mercury, and Jupiter conjuncting my Saturn and Mars! Great article, thank you. Canopus I think your analysis of planets closely conjunct angles is spot on. Person will have a sense of destiny or purpose that is counter to the times one lives in. Venus, in Capricorn in 9th, is conjunct mid-heaven, exactly quintile Neptune which is exactly on my descendant. What effect, if any, does Sirius add? I loved this! SIGN UP for real time webinars on basic to advanced classes. Sirius is a star that deals with memory. I have so many interests in life that i just dont know where to focus. AppLeo Well-known member Aug 12, 2017 #8 katydid said: Since the conjunction is on your Descendant, your rewards and honors won't come until you are in a solid partnership/relationship. it is our quest is it not , Hello, Manda! I was born during the 60s Uranus/Pluto Virgo conjunction. They find it hard to find home with other foreigners. Fixed stars and eclipses might be relevant to the Republican nomination. The USA, for example, sees itself as a positive integrating force in the world because it thinks that it has the ability to pull together a band of misfits. Many people born in middle 1960s have this opposition. Lunar Eclipse on the natal Descendant - thoughts? - reddit Its a story about conquering your pain by turning your pain into a cultural product, by commercializing the self narrative. You have the power (pluto on asc) and you can do it. Sirius tempts its people by offering a liberal wound culture that 1) locates social identity only within the wound and 2) sees the individuals story as representative of the whole. I was almost the eighth [of January]. Tank you for your job, i apreciate. Here are some observations and delineations of the personal planets and Jupiter in aspect to Sirius. They usually have many health checkups from the fear that they may be having heart problems but they are just wasting their time and money. Jupiter in the 4th house is a great placement as the person generally has a positive outlook. I cant wait to spread my message for a wider audience and radiate as much love as Im capable of. Its likely early family moved a lot. All fixed star positions are for the year 2000. ive been searching for answers a long time. It could also mean that you partnerships, intimate and business, are very successful. Thanks! Venus-Mars delineations for all Scorpio Venus and Mars combos. In your case, leaving out the Saturn parallel Sun make leave out a big chunk of relevant information about your personality. Just a thought take it or leave it. Wow, when good transits go bad, christ. [1] The manufacture of weapons for hunting and the raising of hunting dogs. Drop out of school a few times, but w persistence and help from family, get graduate degree.) He or she was fanatical or obsessed. I would like to add celebrities and also any other good information which people contribute. I know a guy who has Chiron -2 degrees away for angle- and Mars -7 degrees away- in the 1st conj Asc plus Pluto in the 6th house -4 degrees away- and Uranus in 7th house -7 degrees again- in the 7th. . They are generally born into a large family, and all those in the family circle are also interested in the large families themselves. I m a architect and i think i can do a good job But im working with my moon on mc, my needy little child ;-/, my little jocker..I need to speek and lugh while i m working There are a lot of emotions on the mc Not easy to andle with pluto conjunc ac.??? A Family Name. Also, never got a decent reading of my chart as so few astrologers con incorporte the aspect to angle side of a 12th house stellium like that Thank you!! They dont sit around waiting for things to happen, but they tend to take charge of their goals. Because memories are by nature untruthful, they become fragmented. I havent had an easy life necessarily, but since reaching adulthood I seem to succeed at my academic/career endeavors in ways that get me noticed. Just curious. Hi Rose. At first, Sirius was just something I noticed. When Sirius people investigate their histories with the purpose of overcoming other people, they become kings of their own universe but its an universe thats empty and not populated by anyone. Hello, AstroManda! I have Saturn at 15 libra, mercury retro at 18, moon at 20, MC at 22, Jupiter at 23, Pluto at 24 libra, all sextile Venus,Neptune, acsendant in sag. They feel that they dont fit into narratives around what foreignness means. Can you please give me some incite to Sirius Paran ones Jupiter at 23 Degree Cancer , New Moon in the First House. It does not necessarily show your starseed origin with certainty, please read about affinity . Each year, around May 16, the Sun aligns with a powerful fixed star, Algol. How do you think about this? The Sun is associated with centers of cultural capital while the Moon is associated with markets. Each of these planets connects our consciousness to the higher dimensions in their own unique way. My second older sis has Pluto conjunct IC. with Pluto, Saturn, Jupiter & Mars Searching I found your page! AC aries. This causes a restriction in the digestive juices in the stomach that leads to bloating. Alice Sparkly Kat Just found your site! Sirius is not an utopian starits not a future oriented star. [5], Warren Buffett 031, James Dean 131, Billie Eilish 141, Bobby Fischer 152, Marguerite de Navarre 229, Rupert Murdoch 239, Saturn conjunct Sirius: Steady, reserved, diplomatic, just, persevering, high position through friends, favorable for home, gifts and legacies, domestic harmony. Mars Conjunct Descendant Synastry Mars aspects in synastry indicate strong physical attraction, desire, motivation, and enthusiasm. But I also understand that you may have to make some choices. It is a jolt to his reasoning until he really starts to think about their concepts. guess the soccer player unblocked. Recently listened to my heart and switched career and I am a lot more happy with what I do. Capricorn risings are gatherers. I have Uranus conjunct Neptune in Capricorn at 22 degrees and 21 degrees and both conjunct my ascendant at 18 degrees and opposite my Moon at 21 Cancer and square Mercury and I always feel either very calm or extremely nervous and high strung its such a weird combination, Gavin,,, you are right you need to watch out for nervous energy due to anxiety. Could Rising mean positioned at the beginning of the orb, and Culminating mean towards the end of the orb, sort of like a cusp at the beginning and end of the orb? Im starting to wonder if its the trine to the DC thats responsible for the highly unconventional relationships Whether it is challenging or smooth sailing could depend on other factors, Captcha * }. Oppositions are supposed to be hard. He is the son of Ixion and Nephele. Which house is Saturn located and what house does it rule- where you experience restriction may depend on this. Is a lot to handle, my emotions are very intense and everybody is telling me how strong i am, but i am quite sensitive. It can be a person who awakens your own kinesthetic ability, or who can help you take it to a new level. There is the power to manifest with planets in angular houses. The Fixed Stars in Astrology - Astrotheme my chiron is 14 degrees cancer. Synastry Aspects for Soulmates - Moon conjunct Descendant I want to know if career is supposed to be hard or easy and is that a self destructive placement you mean to say sun conjunct sirius will favor a person in sex war and business and anything ruled by mars will be favored i have studied that after 30 people start to get great results from fixed stars which are on their sun and moon, still waiting for your response on my below comment. Thanks. Tylyn John 003 (and Venus), Pablo Picasso 006, Roger Federer 007, Tom Jones 009 (and Venus), Nancy Sinatra 051 (and Venus), Fromental Halevy 054 (and Ascendant and Venus), Robin Williams 130 (and Uranus), Diego Maradona 214, Meghan, Duchess of Sussex 222. Its the ugly little duckling story. Consumption of oranges helps to balance the energy and oranges should be an important part of the diet. I always land on my feet, always get help from family (very loving). I have also a scorpio sun (in 10th house, but not near the MC) and capricorn rising. With Neptune, itd make you a wanderer, a lost child within a vast world, and I have this strong urge to give all of my earnings to unlucky people. Both are in 11th in Virgo. Great Vincent. How do I find out where Sirius is in my chart please? According to tradition, Sirius will give a famous death with honors beyond the grave, if positioned in the 8th house. Fixed Stars in Astrology Clues Towards Your Destiny Traditionally, this star is associated with difficult circumstances, or 'losing one's head'. Venus also makes no major aspects, and is co-ruler I have Taurus intercepted in 1st. All of the points are lit up. Mars opposes Jupiter and Saturn (the Saturn aspect is tighter). Also mars in capricorn exactly on nadir. Well maybe see you later at a UN conference or something haha :), Hi i have serius conjunct my lilith in the end of tenth house, what does this mean, My natals: Born July 6, 1982 If I really want to make positive changes in my career (in screenwriting for film) which chart will have the STRONGER POSITIVE effect: place the planets in the 10th house but far away from MC, or placing them in the 9th house conjunct the MC? Jaime, do you have details on Sirius conjunct Chiron? How Your Descendant Sign Predicts Zodiac Compatibility - Well+Good messengers of the Gods. The naming of the fixed star Sirius, the Dog-star, derives from the Greek Seirios (Sparking, Scorching). Ive Neptune on Midheaven and wasnt sure of work and career for a long time. sirius conjunct ascendant In the natal chart, the Sun shows how much energy you have. Shocking companions. What Rings Your Bell-Asteroid Conjunctions to the Descendant in the Its image is a hound or a little virgin. I do not tend to be career oriented. [5], Jupiter conjunct Sirius: Business success, journeys, help from relatives, ecclesiastical preferment. We dont like it when our parents fought, always pick up the emotions surrounding us and will get very upset if we caught negative emotions in the air. Theyre often too queer for the straights, not queer enough somehow for the queers, too American for their family, or too other for their chosen family. The Saturn Pluto could also indicate the kind of career you have chosen, maybe something that deals with challenging situations. In Egypt it(Sirius) was Sothis, and is depicted with Jupiter in the Dendera Zodiac, as Jupiter was conjunct Sirius during the solar eclipse of 51 BC, the day that Cleopatras father died. The day Cleopatras father died, interests me. Prosperity from youth and in own city. Uranus conjunct Sirius: Gain and prominence in Uranian matters, help from influential friends, gain through harmonious marriage, especially if male, sudden death. An astrologer from Sweden who took my classes in the 1980s made an excellent observation regarding his natal Eris (7th House)-Mercury (1st House) opposition. To alleviate this problem, these persons should chew celery before or after a meal as celery stimulates the digestive process. I am a librarian though, a very Mercury career I think. All this is from my own personal inspiration, and I discourage anyone from putting great weight into it. At the same time Pr Saturn is on the IC. Since benefics usually work to reassert the power relations that already exist, Jupiter-Sirius people can find it easy to participate in liberal wound culture. Aries Rising/Libra Descendant. David Beckham 018, Drew Barrymore 127, Mary Shelley 143. Hello! [1]. Youve caught the same bug as me. What it means if a planet is in diffrrent house but conjuct an angle? [7], Cat Stevens 031, Boris Johnson 042, Tony Abbott 134, Descendant conjunct Sirius: A splendid and illustrious life; glorious, mighty and commanding nature; fame, busy with many activities; bountiful resources; well known or feared in cities and regions. The ancient Egyptian calendar was based on lunar cycles of around 30 days and on the helical rising of the fixed star Sirius. eleven Neptune Opposition Ascendant in Transit or Solar Arc The four important angles on a chart are the Ascendant (cusp of the 1st house) Descendant (cusp of the 4th house), Midheaven (cusp of the 10th house) and IC (cusp of the 4th house). Prosperity from youth and in own city. One gets the impression that in spite of changes in political systems, the old planetary characterisations still hold true. I mean what would Sirius conjunct North Node mean? Cancer, conjunct my 3rd house, with asteroids Logic and Industria within 1. I was the smart one everywhere I go, which makes me really uncomfortable. If your Uranus was retrograde, then most of the trend setting views are internal but otherwise people see you as someone who is not afraid to be different. Whats so bad about Venus square Saturn? He said that often people confront him with unusual observations and ideas. I could use some insight on that if youre willing. Ha! Leorpio Knowflake . It does not mark the beginning of a mansion. (Aquarius, actually.) The language of intersectionality is very utopian. My oldest sister has Sun conjunct Ascendant very tightly. It is said to give good qualities, charity and a faithful heart, but violent and dangerous passions. The USA is built on anachronistic histories and fabricated memories. Also, look at careers that can incorporate Neptunian energies in a positive manner, maybe like working for a non profit organization, hospitals, prisons, or other service oriented areas, where your Neptune energy may be accepted more readily. You can also subscribe without commenting. sirius conjunct descendant However, Sirius doesn't deal with real memory but fabricated memory. Depending on how they are aspected, they can result in an encouraging relationship or one filled with conflict and power struggles. He's caught up in this, obviously. The I.C/ nadir not only applies to ancestry matters but in applying fixed stars to a natal chart it also represents the end of the matter, end of life, life work we are remembered for. Its all so complex that Ive yet to figure it out. I work for myself. Interestingly when Pluto opposed my MC I had to deal with a former mentor attacking me at work because she felt like I rose too far too fast and resented me for it. [5], Marie Curie 027 (and Descendant), Robin Williams 234 (and Mars), Neptune conjunct Sirius: Intuition, occult interests, religious, good organizing ability, success in mercantile pursuits, banks or corporations, many influential friends, favorable for gain and domestic matters, natural death. Vanessa, it is true that conjunction is not the only aspect that are important with angles Any close aspect to the angle play an important role in life. However, Sirius people must remember that the process of investigating these memories are meant to bring them in alignment to people who might not share their struggle but have histories of pain of their own. It actually shows that may planets are sitting in the hot seat and your life will be both challenging and interesting, Also,since you have so many planets in an angle, it means that you can make things happen better than many othersonce your put your mind to it and find a way to balance the energy of the planets. Thank you! Think about how you present yourself to others, focus on . Nadir is the northern most (lowest) point in the chart and is opposite to the MC. I havent seen any indications that Moon square Ascendant will give a cold appearance . They can only speculatenot historicize. She spoke 9 languages, and was very much a part of the intellectual life of Alexandria. I have a lot of clients who have hard personal aspects to Siriusa fixed star at 13 Cancer. In Egypt it was Sothis, and is depicted with Jupiter in the Dendera Zodiac, as Jupiter was conjunct Sirius during the solar eclipse of 51 BC, the day that Cleopatras father died. Its obvious in the unusual relationships i have, & that people have always seen me as different. Ascendant shows the lens in front of us. I look forward to any comments one can make. Also, look for any trines or sextiles from any of your planets (Uranus, Pluto, Saturn, Chiron, Sun/Mercury) and as they may be the ones that give you support and a break. [7]. Associated with beauty, water, navigation at sea, hygiene, cleaning, repairs, and refurbishments. And to be honest for my whole life I felt I have a world destiny. Mars-Sirius people are punished for taking on the exceptional or marginalized role. Good god I have an insane few years ahead of me. Once I even saw my whole view in blue during the day, which now makes sense. Moon conjunct MC may be expressed asa need to mother everyone and may choose a career where this can be consciously expressed.

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sirius conjunct descendant