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Which is just sick, because the attack on white, Christian culture and values is pretty obvious at this point. I HAD EVERY SYMPTOM of DYSPHORIA! CBS has publicly stated that its reality shows will feature 50% non-white participants. If I were you, Id have put my name on that one because theres not a single thing in your comment that a fair and rational person could argue with. Here in the Cranky household, we dont turn ours on unless its to stream old movies or TV shows we like. Now imagine how much I loathe the crap thats being dished out in all forms of media, but especially commercial advertising. And many, many interesting theories on what is going on. In any case, the media, government, and yes, advertisers too are sowing the seeds of racial division through their constant barrage of misinformation, manipulation, and spin. And yeah, all this emasculating of males is clearly entirely the fault of the feminist movement I detest these kind of women. Whether one thinks its an issue or not, I say have fun with it. And dont get me wrong. Between the low-IQ programs, terrible commercials, and fake corporate news, there isnt much to watch anymore on the old boob tube. New Jake is the obvious example in advertising, but examples abound in other media, from film and TV to comic books. It explains the Who, How, and Why of all these social issues. There are very few ads that are unique in some way, interesting, relatable, maybe even make me laugh and actually highlight the friggin product. the former Levis jeans executive who just published a book, https://www.spectator.co.uk/article/a-post-racial-world-the-last-white-man-by-mohsin-hamid-reviewed, https://apnews.com/article/nhl-sports-hockey-race-and-ethnicity-racial-injustice-1fc28e1d7db391c2bec6203fa19fda1f, https://nypost.com/2021/06/17/thieves-now-mock-the-rule-of-law-in-progressive-cities-like-san-francisco/, only the word Black is capitalized when used in a racial, ethnic, or cultural sense; not white., the woke Left shames and cancels people such as fitness instructor Jillian Michaels for not praising the morbid obesity of the musician Lizzo, https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11173211/Life-Blackout-Britain-Experts-warn-energy-rationing-winter.html, https://archive.schillerinstitute.com/fid_91-96/921_frankfurt.html, the gun violence that erupted at a Juneteenth advocacy event in Washington, DC, following Googles lead in censoring and suppressing information that its owners dont like, https://www.milleradagency.com/about/miller-crew/erik-radle/, The Daily Wire getting into the shaving razors business, 35% drop in the stock price of Netflix this week, https://www.nbcdfw.com/news/local/diversity-in-commercials/76279/, Opinion: Survey Says: Americans Are Dumber Than a Bag of Rocks,, Let's talk about forced diversity in TV commercials, Jeremy's Razors commercial takes on 'woke' Harry's and Gillette, Ad Review: Chewy's 'Chatty Pets: Joy' truly is, Yes, the Gillette Venus Pubic Hair and Skin razor ad goes (down) there, Ad Review: Schick Hydro Silk TrimStyle trimming bushes, The real reasons people hate TV commercials in 2023, White people (60-plus percent of the population) are seeing themselves erased and replaced by people of color who look, talk, and act just like them. No worries, SL. The moment I see one, I immediately switch to a different channel. Good lord its so offensive. Sixty percent of American consumers consider diversity in advertising to be important and a further 40% have turned away from brands they felt weren't inclusive in their advertising. No, but they see opportunities to work with the Marxists who are also only interested in their own enhancement. Where are the Hispanics? But what seemed like overnight the pendulum over swung. I just watched a commercial for Lowes that refers to Christmas as Winterfest gifts. Oh, Ive been waiting for someone to say this. I became republican for this reason. Thank you for putting into words what has been bothering me for the last two years. Infiltrated from within. Yep, that about describes our institutions today. Sometimes, its hard to tell. Everything is about what I FEEL LIKE or I want.. Race as a tie breaker. I know that every generation makes the same claim, but it is only in recent times that we have reached the critical 100yr mark of the Federal Reserve Act being passed. Thanks for reading and taking the time to share your experiences and examples. But the truth is, the Muslim population in Western countries like the United States is neither vast nor diverse. I have ad blocks on youtube and on many websites. https://thecrankycreative.com/jeremys-razors-commercial-the-shot-heard-round-the-ad-world/. We are in the TOWER OF BABEL! Walt Disney did not have a problem depicting masculine heroes. Its annoying to see so much over representation. And it goes beyond just media. Bogart was that height but he wasnt going to be paired in a movie with Cary Grant or Robert Mitchum because he would look like a midget. Always try to be sensitive and try to feel how others may feel. Check our Privacy and Cookie Policy for more information. I think its fair to say that a good bit of advertising is fake, or at least exaggerated, and always has been. If you took commercials seriously, you would think the most pressing problem in the lives of young American women is avoiding split ends and shaving their crotches, that normal people do cartwheels after getting a $5 refund on their taxes, or that married couples often give each other new cars for Christmas. I send emails every day to advertisers and tell them congratulations for being BLM loving SHEEP and just like all the other advertisers riding the black bandwagon just so they can be PC and shame on themselves for going out of the way to make white people look as stupid and frumpy as possible in comparison to the black actors! Ive noticed that even traditional male subjects like weightlifting, pickup trucks, etc. Dont allow our media to control who should or should not be placed on a pedestal. I just want to know where are all these Black men that spend their days doing laundry, washing floors and cooking. 99% of commercials and print ads for gyms, boxing clubs, basically any physical activity shows women. I never wanted to have a baby and wanted stuffed cats instead of dolls. Yes, I too believe this is an agenda for some, and not just in advertising, either. (Wouldnt that actually be misappropriation? So confusing.) Yes! Black men have already taken over game shows; I started noticing that but it didnt bother me too much because I could tune out if I didnt like it. Keep it coming. There are those of us on the left who are also fed up with the not so veiled attempt by the Uber-left to vilify and demonize white males. The term, forced diversity, is traditionally used by those who feel annoyed by the change in certain plot narratives of the audiovisual media. ELI5: What is forced diversity? : explainlikeimfive A Diversity Report for the Advertising/Marketing Industry (2021) Wokeness is not fixing our world or ridding it of inequality; its lighting the fuse on a whole set of new problems, some of which look uncomfortably like our old ones. Who is committing the crime currently?.. A breath of fresh air. Amen! Multiracial images have long been used by advertisers, but the current version exploded onto billboards and magazine ads in the late 1980s, when United Colors of Bennetton ads . At the last moment, the kids cross paths so that granddaughter goes to grandpa, and grandson goes to grandma (to bake cookies and make the beds, I suppose). These include cookies that allow you to be remembered as you explore the site within a single session or, if you request, from session to session. . I got rid if my idiot box thirty years ago, and have not set foot in a cinema in forty two years. You make some good points, Don. Personally, Im singling out these advertisers who are ignoring white America by falsely showing more gay & transgender people in a much larger percentage of America than it really it. Like you, I would love to see the social media platforms reclassified as utilities, but Im not sure whos going to do it. Where I come from, the news has been doing that for years. I am not the only person noticing all this. I agree wholeheartedly. The reaction by brands and advertisers to George Floyd and the BLM movement has been misguided, disingenuous, and, as you say, laughably transparent. In fact, you hardly see boys at all in commercials now. Indeed. Its there, its part of our history, its part of who we are. Thanks, Virginia, for taking the side of fairness and sanity in this culture war. As others have posted, advertising is but a cog in the machinery. It's never a mixture of an Asian, Indian, Hispanic, Middle eastern men or women in any of these interracial relationships. Email Insider Summit April 19 - 22, 2023, Hilton Head Outfront Forum April 26, 2023, NYC Search and Performance Insider Summit May 7 - 10, 2023, Charleston Thank God there is a voice of reason on the net. And if the definition of racist necessarily requires holding a position of power, then tell me who has power over the hearts and minds of our kids en masse through public institutions and entertainment propaganda: A. rappers, celebrities, certain unnamed conglomerates who happen to operate a HUGE segment of childrens programming, et all? THANK YOU for an amazing post, and for sharing your observations with us, as disquieting as they are. (Witness attempts to reboot the film Annie, The Wonder Years TV show, and Marvel and Disneys efforts to replace white characters with characters of color, and even change their genders and sexual orientations.). John, you are absolutely right. Do customer profiles. We see what you are doing, and no, we arent buying it at all. . I hope. With respect to simple gender, 90%+ of print and television ads for gyms and exercise equipment feature women. I have a theory: Let us all push back. Diversity and inclusion in advertising in the U.S. - Statista What most on this blog are discussing is why for-profit companies believe they should misrepresent their target customers. . Melissa Kandel, little word studio, 7. I fear there will be a big blowback, not just because of this change in advertising, but because of all the current racial strife in this country. Dont even get me started on Disney! So advertising does no good to the advertisers because I flip through all these commercials and TV shows. Theres nothing like a hay-bale-throwin, truck driven guy who know how to fix things! Toxic masculinity is out. Id also like to note that DuckDuckGo is now following Googles lead in censoring and suppressing information that its owners dont like. Black/white interracial marriages are 1%!!!!! I came across this post as a result of a duckduckgo search specifically asking about the subject because for this reason and many others, I no longer use Google services unless absolutely necessary. Now send $5 to BLM for repentance. I certainly do think the under currents in all of this are more sinister forces that have been playing the long game for decades. Nothing gets a message through like a punch to the pocketbook. Thats why I rely on you, my astute Cranky readers, who have never let me down! I do NOT watch any commercials anymore. While I agree with the blogger on many of his points (especially the way ads portray whites as dumb and in need of people of color to survive in America), I read an article that stated Hollywood and Networks (most notably, CBS) are required to hire 50% of the minority applicants in order to push their social agenda. Ethnic Diversity In Advertising Is At All-Time High - HuffPost UK This is far from reality. How brands approached diversity and inclusion when creating Super Bowl No doubt, interracial couples in commercials are a hot-button issue for many people of all races. All White men are portrayed as stupid, and now all smart funny characters are all POC. It should be degrading them as it totally erases their culture and transforms them into white culture. Are advertising people those unassailable paragons of virtue we all know them to be attempting to assuage their guilty consciences for all the systemic racism they see in every nook, cranny, and crevice of America by meeting some kind of quota? If you truly want to be disgusted read about them a bit. What Is Forced Diversity, And Why Is It Controversial? Powers that be in Hollywood and on Madison Avenue want women to stop breeding with white men. I actually cut cable years ago and just stream and make sure I pay extra to stream commercial free because honestly the whole thing is stupid and it feels like Twitter sponsors everything on TV these days. If 60% of their sales go out the window theyll care, because we all know the only thing corporations care about is money (assuming all 60% of white Americans feel that way). Say, did you see that someone blew up the Georgia Guidestones the other day? Hispanics and Asians are not as vocal about their grievances. 4. Let them buy all the advertisers wares. African monarchs often bought slaves from dealers in order to sell them again to other Africans or to Arabs. In reality, however, Muslims account for 14.3 percent of Londons population, and black Africans 7.9 percent. Bottom line, I consider my self slightly left of center politically, but having experienced discrimination I am sensitive to it and find it unacceptable in all its forms (yes, including against straight white males). I went on a two month road trip Nov-Dec. 2020. I understand what my staff is going through; I dont have to conduct research studies. There is no war against white people. Instilling diversity as a value and solidifying it through an appropriate vision and mission statement will ensure that its imbued in a companys ethos. Excellent points. But this study will likely embolden even greater efforts to infuse more diversity in future commercial productions, I bet. Im not watching and Im not buying. My blood pressure increases every time I (try to) shop online (Target, Marks & Spencer, etc.). Lately even the truck commercials feature females with men nowhere to be seen. When whites came to America the Indians had slaves, they killed other tribes and made slaves of the women and the young. You dont need to guess about what kind of images and language people want. If the general public only knew how creepy, manipulative, and destructive he is . Geez. Unfortunately African Americans in the inner cities are at a great disadvantage to develop positive Motivational Values for at least three reasons. LEARN MORE: 7 Ways to Support Diversity Marketing with Video . Its almost comical how they have seemed to disappear, when in reality its quite the opposite. One would think the population in America is majority black, with a handful of white women, and very few white men. I think the dramatic shift in commercials is very odd, mostly because I cant quite figure out what corporate America is trying to do. Diversity is not forced because it's bad; it's forced because movie studios are trying to seem "woke" and are profiting off minorities' hopes to see themselves onscreen. They are grooming young minds. Theres a lot of that in Hollywoodin Die Hard you have the evil blonde bad guy. The way I think of it, if I was an alien circling the Earth in my spaceship and the only thing I knew about the human race was from what I saw in tv ads, then I would have to conclude that most families consist of a black dad, a white mom, two very light skined children, and, judging by the huge modern kitchen, are living in a beautiful house. Why is every commercial have blacks and gay people and interracial marriages. Im not mad at they, but I have no clue what drives Lowes CEO of marketing to go along with the black female diversity officer and they in a cube that says eliminating Christmas is the right direction. The worst part, however, is that the vast majority of the sleeping populace goes right along with it, happily complying with the activists demands and parroting the inclusive propaganda. This has gotten way worse in 2022! Movies and tv followed the same trend. For example, slavery was widely practiced by American Indians in the Northwest and Eastern woodlands of the United States. I can give you hundreds of examples of how demographics should work, but here are just a couple of them. See all Cranky ad reviews | Go back to blog home page | Subscribe for free. And sorry, they were NOT rich white guys. Your spot on thats whats going on with todays cancel culture propaganda.its not right to be white in our current society. It should be noted that a new diversity index in the Census has some claiming that white people are undercounted.). This is a great idea, Thor. Hollywood was not interested in making films with such men as leads. Like the fact or not! We are living the nightmare of Atlas Shrugged whodathunkit? What happened to nominating a movie because it was just a darned good movie? If we are somehow suddenly expecting the world of advertising to be fair, balanced, and perfectly representing the ugly masses.. well, thats not going to happen and never has. This leads me to believe that a majority of blacks have finally achieved the American dream and escaped poverty. Actually, If you watch TV ads in the UK these days, you will see tokenism a group of black people with one white friend. Rachel Montague, Gourmet Services, Inc. Its all well and good to proclaim a desire for diversity, but companies need to be careful they arent treating it flippantly, because their audience will see right through it. Youre right. It is because they loath to present young white men as heroes or role models. Also, diversity does not only mean blackswhere are the Latinos especially? What have we allowed the wicked and perverse among us to do to our poor boys? Black people put the word out to lie on census to keep population % low. For more information about this processing of personal data, check our Privacy and Cookie Policy. At 2:54 in that video, the voiceover says: Whether its acceptance of an interracial family or a same-sex couple, advertisers say these new ads are a reflection of modern America.. How Commercializing Diversity Promotes Racism - Medium sorry that seeing non-whites on your tv makes you angry, Hitler. The ANA asks you to accept cookies for performance, social media and advertising purposes. A certain percentage of people see the propaganda for what it is, Charles. This seems like an attack on God and the Bible, and without gender dysphoria, the idea of choosing what gender I feel like being for fun seems childish, confusing, and narcissistic most of all. This blatant punishment of white males should be illegal, as it should be to all races of people. Or, is it rather that commercials are catching up to the real world? Yes, sir. I guess if you can have fake news why not fake commercials. Caucasians need to stand up for their heritage and values. We respect you and are not part of this! But leave me out of it. Thank you. Just an FYI. Thats when things start becoming exclusive rather than inclusive, and it comes off as pandering even when its meant well. Its called brainwashing. Hi, Dave. Together, these groups now account for 24.7 percent of the U.S. population, yet they do not appear in anywhere near 24.7 percent of the advertising. Ill remind myself you said that the next time Facebook refuses to let me advertise this post due to what they have deemed inflammatory content.. Most of the modern worlds issues stem from the hidden bitterness towards our own dads that were either present and imperfect or vacant altogether. Why do we constantly try and guess? It is so rare to see a white person in commercials, but if we do, get this theyre actually belittled. blacks commit crime at higher rates It truly boggles the mind. If I didnt know better, Id say it almost feels like many of these commercials were written with white people in mind, and then black actors were hired for the sake of diversity.. 3. The bad news is, the people behind all of this will still call you racist. As long as you dont look white, in any way, no matter your race, then youre whats in all the ads now. Fake green and inclusion narratives? It creates the mentality of entitlement. Expertise from Forbes Councils members, operated under license. If your employees represent different genders, ages, races, political beliefs, ethnicities, physical abilities, sexual orientations and so on, your campaigns will be authentic without even trying. People of color in commercials usually do not get my attention and I do not buy their products. I remember one hard worker with 10 kids that hacked a cab after his day at the refinery but saved enough money that everyone of his kids had more than $10,000 in a savings account at the refinery credit union, a princely sum in those days and the maximum for federal insurance. All rights reserved. Stop what you are doing right now and read/watch this article from Dallas. Trying to be politically correct. Im unapologetic and young. Our culture now is for everyone to whine and fight anonymously online against each other whether its based on race, gender, age (those damn millennials), sexuality, etc. First they went after the church, then it was the nuclear family and now it is men in general- all to be replaced by the State according to the edicts of the long march through our institutions begun by the Frankfurt School. Being Enterprising and working to create as much legitimate value as possible for self-sufficiency and to benefit as many others as possible. But when we all are forced to see people of every race, sex, and culture as equal (meaning the same), then we rob everyone of the traits and characteristics that make each of us stand out as unique and special. Have you also noticed that the majority of the commercials now have rap and hip hop in the background and are portraying things towards kids like the Kool-Aid guy wearing a gold chain and doing rap or hip hop? . (See: Jeremys Razors.) Appreciate your thoughts, Robert. Im wondering what the solutions could be? I could not agree more with what you have written. History shows some of the first slaves in America were bought by other blacks, there were also white and Indian slaves, Chinese slaves, you name it we have all been slaves at one time or another, slavery was not right who ever pushed it, and it still exists around the world today. [Same goes for Indian Americans the departments led by Indians were the same: 80% Indians, a few whites, a token far East Asian, a token Hispanic, no blacks]. Why is this happening? I just went to the Library of Congress to maybe read some online books..one of the sections had 3 pictures that came up one after another pictures of mostly kids, reading, etc.all 3 had a total of 15 people all black, POC except one white male. Thanks for the insightful post. Some brands are particularly popular with people of different races. Come on men! Companies purporting to care about progressive values are really doing nothing more than striking a superficial pose meant to signal virtue while distracting from any companys true motive: financial gain for shareholders.. If they succeed in overthrowing the Constitution and establishing the communist hellhole they are aiming for, they will be the first ones murdered by the new tyrants. I decided today to do some looking into finding out if anyone has made statements on line about this issue and came across your article. 2. It drives me nuts, and for so long I have felt like I am the only one who gets worked up about it. But boy, Ive learned since then!! Were the ignorant ones working for minimum wage, a 2% raise and paying the full mortgage on a house/apartment we dont own while the CEOs who approve the companys doings fly off on their personal jet to their 12th vacation of the year. I like my man to act like a man and not line me. His firm is huge, and he sees his responsibility in the industry to promote diversity. You may have missed my point. I for one am going back to reading or streaming movies with no commercials. We now know that sugary, high carb cereals are to blame (at least in part) for the rising crisis of obesity and diabetes in the US. not what we are seeing on TV. Exactly everything Ive been thinking and seeing too. Forced Diversity is a buzzword thrown by bigots to rationalize critiques against works featuring diverse people on the merit that diverse people make a work "worse." Imagine if they portrayed the whites as the smart ones who shop where the advertisers say or buy their products and its the blacks who are too stupid not to buy their products and have to be schooled. In reality the actual investors have no clue how their portfolios are being used. To me its not a Repub vs Dem or Right vs Left issue. Hey, dont get me wrong. And there absolutely is a reason that interracial couples are being propagated as a black man and white woman. Like I said, Im a 64 year-old liberal. I came from a very poor background and when I was applying for college there were grants for every demographic under the Sun save for straight white males. To validate their superior socioeconomic positions above us of course. You are also correct that it is almost impossible to boycott all of these companies. After being pressured to leave Germany in the early 1930s, they came here. The advertising world has long lagged in diversity, but some agencies Its really something how Google tries to hide discussions like this, isnt it? Representation in advertising had already started to become untethered from reality prior to August 2014, when the Ferguson, Missouri riots erupted following the fatal shooting of Michael Brown by officer Darren Wilson. Recent LL Bean catalogues are great examples of everything you mention. Whatever the reason for it, white males are the bungling idiots of the ad world, just as theyve been for years and will continue to be for as long as the culture deems them toxic. These fatherless children become bitter adults that seem to want to exact their revenge now through these various culture and media outlooks, but sadly this perpetuates the cycleAll the while deteriorating a consumer landscape that has less money, less confidence, less curiosity, lower critical thinking skills, less innovation and less resilience when confronted with challenges and uncomfortable topics. We watch a few shows, mostly our old favorites, with very few new ones. Not racist, just human nature. And based themselves within Columbia University in NY. Mostly white men. This group of people cant represent more than 4 or 5 percent but they seem to take up Al least 30 percent representation in TV commercials. Good. Buick It looks like the Garcias got a new car The ridiculously engineered commercials with a majority of blacks in unrealistic situations is something the American people will ultimately reject at some point. Ive been retired for a year now and watch more TV than I have in a while and I thought the same thing. However selling more product is not one of the reasons they are doing it. Reflect the realness of your customers in every ad and diversity will naturally follow. I suggested it as further reading for all. Then speak clearly to that audience and deliver faithfully on brand promise. It seems like a no-brainer, but this means that ads targeting more diverse . Even more than Limu Emu and Doug do. A firestorm indeed, Robert. Gamers Are Getting Upset Over 'Forced Diversity', But This "Straight Seeing the new Top Gun was so sad. Makes no sense. Thats my point exactly. Now that you are aware, youll start to notice it yourself. The contrast between todays media and the real world is truly striking. My question is how do so many different advertisers all develop the exact same racist propaganda? When relationship of ANY type is broken, it requires both parties to take some level of personal responsibility to make amends that genuinely last. I feel that pushing this agenda has given the blacks an over inflated sense of self worthin that instead of taking a productive place in American society it has just emboldened them (blacks) to riot, burn, smash and grab, accost, push people into train tracks, attack people on the street, carjack, murder, and a myriad of other crimes and not be punished for it.

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forced diversity in advertising