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Mercury rules two signs: Virgo and Gemini. Have your say, find your voice and join in with your tribe to make a difference. Pluto moves into Aquarius on March 23rd, where it will remain until 2043. As the Earths movement makes it appear to us that Mercury is transiting through Aquarius, you will feel more progressive and creative in your ideas. Mercury is the Planet associated with your relationships with others and an appreciation for language. People most influenced by this transit are known for their unique expressiveness and individuality. You are also a natural rebel and have an innate idea to challenge all the ideas that you encounter. Aquarian energy in the birth chart implies a need for authenticity, freedom, experimenting. Mercury So when Mercury does his trek through this sign, well have the opportunity to view the things were emotionally invested in through a more rational lens. Your voice can make a difference, so speak up and speak your mind. Mercury in Aquarius, Mercury in the 3rd March 3, 2023 4 min read. Her logical approach to life enables Mercury You think things through carefully and have a well developed view of the bigger picture. Theyre interested in understanding and participating in the zeitgeist that is responsible for fomenting the next momentous change in society. They just do the things their way, which may seem off to others but is really organized for such Aquarians. You may feel hopeless about a financial situation or have a sense that you need to surrender to life rather than fight against it. Mercury in Aquarius Unorthodox. People with this placement need time to open up to someone. Mercury, the planet of communication and voice can make things easier as well worst, depending upon the sign it's entering, it's the ruling planet and all. Mercury in Aquarius Woman (Personality, Compatibility, Career) Mercury rules our communication and the three elements or tridoshas of our body. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. People with this placement may have a capacity for learning computer science and other scientific areas of knowledge. Mercury can make Aquarius an individual fall in love with panoramic activities, theories, and astrology also, which is quite different from Aquarius personality trait. Have your say, find your voice and join in with your tribe to make a difference. You connect well on a broad scale, although your focus will In the meantime, Saturn is at the very edge of Aquarius. These natives are true innovators for whom the present is the past and the future their playground. This combination results in a man that is intelligent yet tactless, extremely outspoken and straightforward, and outgoing and lively in personality. People with this placement are often interested in less popular topics which can be labeled as weird. Mercury stations retrograde on January 14, 2022, at 1020 Aquarius, and stations direct on February 3, 2022, at 2423 Capricorn. Your health will improve, and you will be able to voice your thoughts more effectively. Your reason drives your actions. Be sociable and gravitate towards the people you love and admire. You might also feel a bit more emotionally removed at this time, which allows you to think more rationally and clearly. WebMercury in Aquarius can be the most flexible and the most rigid thinker at the same time. Due to Mercury Rules are repulsive and annoying to you. Aquarius rules the head, making their great thinkers and scientists. Celebrities born under Mercury in Aquarius include Oprah Winfrey, Rihanna, Christian Bale, and Eddie Redmayne. Mercury will make the beginning This woman is the free-thinking, unconventional type. Aquarius PLANETS In fact, you may find that you cant stop talking with this planetary influence and you may be putting the world to rights. They can be excellent team players with a focus on doing what is necessary to further and support the best interests of everyone involved. To avoid making a purchase that leads to regret, hold off on buying any new electronics until after Mercury goes direct. Aquarius cares about the rights of others, free-speech, and fairness. For those who are still unemployed, it is seen bringing the good news of the planet Mercury. If you are born under Mercury in Aquarius, beware of becoming too rational at this time. Above all, he thinks that the right way is the only way that gives him happiness. As Plutos a generational planet, the themes may not resonate with you immediately. WebMercury sextile Venus. POLL: WHAT IS YOUR MYERS BRIGGS + ZODIAC SIGN COMBO? Mercury in Aquarius is a scientist. During the time of mercury transit in Aquarius foretells that the people connected with business will get success. The idea of doing things the way they've always been done genuinely disturbs them, so they're constantly in search of some new method or routine. The cerebral nature of Mercury in Aquarius can overpower emotions and rationalize them away, making it difficult to feel. Mercurys influence on Aquarius will manifest itself in your conversations with yourself, your loved ones, and a higher power (or lack, thereof, depending on your views). They believe that all of their ideas need to be shared with the world. Mercury can be in Aquarius if the Sun is in Capricorn, Aquarius, or Pisces. Please contact me directly to discuss your requirements. Being humanitarians at their core, they are excellent at coordinating large groups of people for joint action. and is considered a fixed sign, meaning they are persistent and resistant to change. Its because Mercury is bogged down in Capricorn. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. He always stands out because he is never doing what everyone else is. Your thoughts might be so far from the status quo right now that the people you try to communicate with just dont understand you. Aquarius are deep thinkers and think for the betterment of their future, they have that desire and energy which helps in achieving what they want and makes their future better. index Planets in Astrology Each planet has its domain and symbolism. They are usually very smart, drawn to logical and scientific thinking. There is a flip side to Saturn, however, as sometimes it can slow you down or indicate a period of hard work or hardship. They genuinely enjoy learning, they might be bookworms from an early age. Their ideas and thinking process emphasizes ingenuity and novelty. Positive: Relaxed and imaginative. It also represents ideas coordination & our thoughts. May 4 Birthday: Zodiac Sign, Personality, Positive Traits, Negative Traits, Love and Health, May 3 Birthday: Zodiac Sign, Personality, Positive Traits, Negative Traits, Love and Health, May 2 Birthday: Zodiac Sign, Personality, Positive Traits, Negative Traits, Love and Health, May 1 Birthday: Zodiac Sign, Personality, Positive Traits, Negative Traits, Love and Health, April 30 Birthday: Zodiac Sign, Personality, Positive Traits, Negative Traits, Love and Health, April 29 Birthday: Zodiac Sign, Personality, Positive Traits, Negative Traits, Love and Health, April 28 Birthday: Zodiac Sign, Personality, Positive Traits, Negative Traits, Love and Health, April 27 Birthday: Zodiac Sign, Personality, Positive Traits, Negative Traits, Love and Health, April 26 Birthday: Zodiac Sign, Personality, Positive Traits, Negative Traits, Love and Health, April 25 Birthday: Zodiac Sign, Personality, Positive Traits, Negative Traits, Love and Health, Impact of the New Moon in Taurus on our Mind, Emotions, and Love Relationships, THINGS YOU NEED TO KNOW BEFORE HAVING SEX WITH A PISCES, The Birth Chart: the importance and the trines of a birth chart. Mercury in Aquarius is the idealistic philosopher, highly intellectual and visionary. Mercury Retrograde starts in Pisces but will shuffle back into Aquarius on March 4, turns direct on March 9, then reenters Pisces (going the right direction again) on March 16. 2. Mercury in Aquarius is the idealistic philosopher, highly intellectual and visionary. Be in flow with the universe so you feel confident, reassured & can plan your week ahead:Weekly Horoscopes. Soon after the Sun moves into Aries, the Moon joins in, so on March 21st, 2023, we have a New Moon at 0 Aries. What Pet You Should Have, Based on Your Zodiac Sign? Were wrapping up a three-year chapter. The ultimate Aquarius value is freedom. He is fond of new experiences and ideas. Negative: Revolutionary and arrogant. Astro Daily: March 1, 2023 Empowering Astrology Mercury in Aquarius works best in groups of open-minded and out-of-the-box thinkers, and can play the role of mayor or politician in your circles. Ensure the flow of money keeps moving and doesnt get blocked. The change of Mercury has taken place in your own sign, that is, ascendant, this feeling gives information about your nature and health. Mercury will make the beginning of 2022 memorable, as its retrograde passage from Aquarius to Capricorn will disrupt the status quo and foster aligning with a more authentic path forward. WebMercury in Aquarius natives can see the big picture and will depict facts as required. Shes incredibly inventive, original and multi-talented. This transit can give us the answers to questions we didnt even know we were asking. For them, it is favorable to network and align themselves with a larger collective support group rather than operate by themselves. She is a strong believer in herself and confidence exudes her. In the communal spirit of Aquarius and the 11th house, you like to opinion-poll your crew for feedback before making any big decisions. The Mercury in Aquarius woman is best suited for a career in Information Technology since she is very smart and intelligent. Men born under Mercury in Aquarius tend to be that guy who is so smart that they dont always find it easy to fit in with other people. They always welcome change and also want to change things in the world for good. It is a curious, practical, opportunistic & inquisitive planet. Her mind races almost as fast as her mouth. She needs to be intellectually inspired to feel emotionally connected. Since intellectual stimulation is your aphrodisiac, you will also find yourself immediately attracted to obvious intelligent people, like Mercury in Gemini and Virgo. Pluto's transits are generational, so Plutos move into Aquarius is a big one. Babes with Mercury in Aquarius find very unique ways to express themselves and often speak These natives are true innovators for whom the present is the past and the future their playground. Were ready for change and this transit can bring some very exciting opportunities. WebMercury in Aquarius can be the most flexible and the most rigid thinker at the same time. The position of the planet Mercury in your Natal Chart indicates how you tend to think and problem solve. They enjoy being part of a group, although they strongly retain a sense of individualism. It is not possible to give a fully accurate reading without considering the various elements of the chart, including planetary combinations, aspects, friendships, directional strength, and more. Mercury, the planet of communication and voice can make things easier as well worst, depending upon the sign it's entering, it's the ruling planet and all. They prefer to differentiate themselves rather than fall in line with the conventional and typical cliches typically often adopted by those around them. By Holiday Mathis. They are inventive, always thinking up something new and different. Delightfully quirky. Just because makes an Aquarius Mercury freak out and rebel. Technology is extremely attractive to people with this placement. Sometimes they want to be different just for the sake of being different. Mercury in Aquarius - Astrology People born with Mercury in Aquarius have a distinctive style of thinking. Ryan Hart is a relationship science and technology writer. They have a distaste for narrow-mindedness and glib groupthink that is contrary to the principles of individual freedom and integrity of speech. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. He enjoys fighting and being challenged, and this helps him release his emotions which he otherwise has a tendency to suppress. This can be very healthy for you, as you can walk away from people that you love but arent good for you. Mercury is the closest planet to Sun and thats why it seems to be planet related to deity connection & devotion. In school, these kids might struggle if there are rigid rules. Mars entered Gemini in August 2022 and this is where Mars turned retrograde in the last two months of 2022 and the first half of January 2023. On a bad note, it makes individuals nervous, indecisive & emotionless. Its quick movement through the sky makes it a very personal feature of the horoscope. As Saturn is the planet of authority, commitment and discipline, notice where youve stepped up your game or become more serious about your personal goals and aims over the last couple of years. As he does, communications grow in importance creating a period of cooperation between people, general ideas and wide ranging thoughts. Soon after the Sun moves into Aries, the Moon joins in, so on March 21st, 2023, we have a New Moon at 0 Aries. Mercury in Aquarius people have the ability to understand most situations or complex problems quickly, and take on tasks very willingly. Sales ability especially a talent for customer relations. Mercury rules our communication and the three elements or tridoshas of our body. How to talk to anyone well, using their Mercury sign Or, will Saturn bring structure and form to Pisces realm, e.g. WebMercury in Aquarius. Theyre willing to stand out and for their individuality and sense of authenticity. Love partners will have a good relationship. 4. Under the tropical zodiac, the Sun is in Aquarius between January 20 and February 18. The Six of Swords tarot card, Mercury in Aquarius, has its celestial counterpart enacted starting tonight at 10 p.m. and lasting through February 4 around 2 p.m. It is very important for them to feel a sense of independence and sovereignty even when they are participating in a group or joint arrangement. > Because you are so intelligent, you can also come across as a bit condescending as you can get annoyed when people dont understand thoughts and ideas as quickly as you do. It is the last fixed sign of the Zodiac, and it is an air sign by element. Mercury Its okay to focus on all the thoughts buzzing around in your brain, but its also okay to take a break from time to time so you can reconnect with your softer side. These people will have conversations about topics that span the universe. They have a disinterested kind of impetuousness that helps them live each day to the fullest. This is the time to turn your attention to work rather than play, to your everyday routine, your fitness and health. The personality traits and character of a woman with natal Mercury in Aquarius are not that different from those of other Aquarians. Your detached approach to thinking and decision-making is also reflected in the way that you talk and communicate. Many people with Mercury in Aquarius are straightforward and trustworthy. With all kinds of progressive or challenging ideas being tossed around, expect some lively debates. Aquarius is ruled by Uranus, the planet of individuality and revolution. This would be a good time to reach out to other people. Mercury in Aquarius Air is their element and they are fixed in nature. Nevertheless, you dont mind the resulting debates. Mercury does very well in Aquarius as in this sign, the intellect is free to invent. In astrology, Mercury signs offer insight into how a persons mind operates. March 3, 2023 4 min read. Plutos move into your star sign Aquarius is an indication that youre wise to engage with life fully. But people just need to get to know you better. They have a very clever mind and their ability to think abstractly is unparalleled. Independent, intellectual, artistic and open-minded Aquarius is always ready to do something innovative. If you are born under Mercury in Aquarius, you tend to have a quirky and creative way of thinking. Our most powerful dreams and aspirations may come up for review, and we can use this transit to discard what we know is no longer working in our reality. However, their fixed nature and high intelligence can blind them to the flaws in their "truth." Mercury In Aquarius. The combined influence of Mercury on top of Saturn, Uranus, and your Aquarius Be cautious about health as your physical ability will be weak due to health affected. You are not always direct and honest as a result of this desire to please, appease, and keep the peace. Mercury in Aquarius | Horoscope.com Mercury Retrograde in Aquarius: Meaning & Horoscopes Instead of the scientist whose inventions make life easier for society, you might become the weirdo who tries to invent the perpetuum mobile. The Mercury in Aquarius man, like all of the Zodiac signs, is a unique blend of personality traits and qualities. Independence and autonomy are essential for the Water Bearer. First Mercury Retrograde (January 30 to February 20 Aquarius) Aquarius offers progress that will aid the future, and tends to bring on new discoveries and sudden realizations. Mercury in Aquarius cares little about breaking the rules. Disappointment- Heres What Your Sign Does in Case of Disappointment. Then, on the 19th, talk planet Mercury enters Aries on the 19th and, on the 20th, the Sun enters Aries, the first sign of the zodiac. Mercury in Aquarius You cant detach or cut off when Plutos involved. WebMercury in Aquarius is a strong and influential female that brings about radical change, almost always for the better. Furthermore, these individuals may harbor a rather non-exclusive perspective when it comes to relationships. Furthermore, they prefer to march to their own drum and write their own rules rather than conform to conventional expectations. Mercury Combust in Aquarius 2023: The planet Mercury occupies a special place among all the planets as its effects are extremely beneficial for the Mercury in Aquarius, Mercury in the 3rd WebPlayful and innovative, Mercury in Aquarius is usually five steps ahead of others in conversationsyou'll never be bored talking to them. Asking the bigger questions about the meaning of life, everything, and the universe are the things that get your juices pumping. Feel your way forward this month and connect with your emotions. You are also naturally creative and thrive when you have outlets to release this power within you. Volunteering might be very attractive to you. The Mercury in Aquarius woman is quite the free spirit. Mercury is most efficient and effectively placed in Virgo, sign of its rulership and exaltation. MERCURY. Theres likely to be something unique or iconic about the way they communicate and express themselves. The planetary activity in Pisces feels creative and great for utilising your imagination and coming up with money-making ideas. When you are a Mercury in Aquarius, you have a natural talent to think outside the box. January 11 - Mercury conjunct Jupiter in Aquarius. Want to know if your Mercury is in Aquarius? Astro Daily: March 1, 2023 Empowering Astrology It is accidental dignity (what means it becomes stronger) when placed in the natural houses of these two signs, in the third house and in the sixth house. Certainly, youre wise to keep close tabs on your money but trust your intuition and listen out for hunches and coincidences. What Is an Ideal Dream Date for Your Zodiac Sign? You will be financially strong. Keep reading to learn more about what Mercury in Aquarius reveals about a person! Aquarius Outspoken, opinionated, and unconventional, she focuses on truth seeking at all times. Pisces is a compassionate, kind and caring influence. Mercury You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. He is also very independent, and a little eccentric. Jetta's background in creative writing has helped develop a unique and insightful perspective on the zodiac, which he shares with readers of this blog. People with this placement are inventive and progressive thinkers. Mercury can be in Aquarius if the Sun is in Capricorn, Aquarius, or Pisces. It deals with an individuals communication, voice, expression, fun humor & the way they react to things. This is a time when you are enthusiastic about new ideas. Intellectually, they are averse to backward and close minded traditions. Like, yikes!!!! This transition brings relief each year, though that sentiment might be personal to me. Mercury in Libra Meaning: Personality Traits & Significance, Mercury in Capricorn Meaning: Personality Traits & Significance. Mercury in Aquarius If you were born with Mercury in Aquarius, you are a deep thinker, which feeds philosophical and creative thought processes. The Aquarius woman has excellent ideas, and clever thoughts that make her a friend to all of the zodiac signs. He tends to indulge his passions, and has a variety of interests spanning many topics. In the birth chart, this Mercury sign indicates a potential for developing unique skills and for Mercury in Aquarius Traits and Characteristics - LiveAbout Mercury brings open-mindedness, progress and originality in Aquarius life for their better. It can make you appear like you are aloof and lack empathy. Mercury in Aquarius Therefore, its time to decide what youre ready to commit to and where youre ready to move on. WebIf you have Mercury in Capricorn, your mind is clear, disciplined, serious, practical, organizing, objective and realistic, and you are unimpressed by exaggerated claims or What Each Sign Discovered about Themselves in Their Last Relationship? Nevertheless mercury in Aquarius represents an embrace of forward thinking ideals that deviate from anything they regard as antiquated and stagnant. This is the planet of deep psychological transformation, so engage with personal growth or other activities that transform who you are. They like to observe others and make their judgements first before interacting with themthey are good at noticing subtle clues. You may have been on something of a roller-coaster ride in one of these key areas since the middle of last year. You might find yourself grating under the emotional communications of others and responding in ways that can be hurtful. In the sign of Aquarius, mercury is focused on the future. Because of their detachedness, they are less likely to fall prey to manipulation. This Mercury sign likes unusual perspectives, it has a need for being different, what is reflected in your verbal self-expression too. Similarly, what presence of Mercury in Aquarius mean, what are its effects on Aquarius individuals life. This is a practical sector of your horoscope but its not a logical or practical approach that is likely to do well. In This is because the sign of Aries is prominent throughout the month. She prefers the role of observer rather than that of the performer. Will the unreal become real as fantasy, the imagination and the impossible become possible? You think things through carefully and have a well developed view of the bigger picture. Because of their capacity for recognizing and appreciating differing perspectives and ways of life, they may seek to be neutral and occupy a more middle of the road approach in their views. Intellectually, they embrace freedom of expression and the empowerment of individuals to be different and unique. Mercury in Aquarius While your imaginative way of thinking is natural, you are also a bit of a rebel and might disagree with someone just for the sake of it. Mercury in Aquarius in the Natal Chart Mercury in Aquarius in your natal chart will contribute to an intellectual and highly intelligent way of communicating. Idle chatter doesn't appeal to the Aquarius Mercury mind. Pisces is where the ego dissolves and you encounter the vast universe, the one-ness of life. WebMercury Combust In Aquarius On 28 February 2023 Effects And Remedies On 12 Zodiac Read More. What distinguishes these individuals from the rest is the fact that they are more likely to be loud and full of life. In the birth chart, Mercury speaks about how you communicate. If weve had any "out there" thoughts, this is our chance to reassess them before we reveal them to the world. Mercury stations retrograde on January 14, 2022, at 1020 Aquarius, and stations direct on February 3, 2022, at 2423 Capricorn. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. The mercury in Aquarius man is someone who thinks outside the box and latches onto ideas that are different and brilliant from their perspective. Find out with a FREE Essential Birth Report samplepersonalized birth report now. Their voice or way of speaking may be unusual or highly distinctive in some way. The New WebBrowse the best December 2022 deals on Mercury vehicles for sale in Provo, UT. Mercury In Aquarius: Rebellious Thinking Season. Furthermore, they are bound to oppose any form of ideological oppression and control over the populace. Mercury in Aquarius Of all the airy Mercury placements, Aquarius may be the least other-oriented. They are less willing to sacrifice their individuality for the sake of a partnership. It also highlights the need to value your relationships and have necessary communication with others. Mercury In Aquarius To imagine a better future as they do requires a vast imagination. Females who have mercury in Aquarius have their finger on the pulse of society. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Your email address will not be published. They are also very eccentric which can make it easier for them to stand out from the crowd. Their personal perspectives however can often be quirky and unusual. Aries Zodiac Sign: 25 Things To Know About The Ram, Taurus Compatibility With Each Zodiac Sign, INTJ Relationships (With Each Myers Briggs Type), INFJ Relationships With Each Myers Briggs Type, 12 Shades of INFJ | Zodiac Signs and the MBTI, 12 Variations of INFP: Zodiac and the MBTI, Taurus Gemini Cusp | The Cusp of Energy (May 17 23 Birthdays), 6 Reasons Why Taurus and Capricorn Fall In Love, 56 Funny Quotes From People of Each Zodiac Sign, Are Scorpio and Pisces Soulmates? Those with their Mercury in Aquarius have grand ideas with the laser focus to see them out. This is an excellent placement. The Full Moon on the 7th cuts across the Virgo/Pisces axis of the zodiac and your finance sectors. He has a detached attitude towards things and people. Youre more interested in facts than feelings, which can cause you to come across as aloof or unemotional at times. They gravitate towards outlandish ideas. Saturn rules with a firm hand during this period. You like to spend your time with people who are in some way original themselves too. Copyright 2023 - Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved. Lucky Jupiter is pulled into the Aries picture as it teams up with the planet of love and money Venus on the 2nd and talk planet Mercury on the 28th.

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