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There are a couple of outstanding companion quests and nothing more urgent to do. What do you know? By the way, even if you dont save the boy, you will still need to talk to her and tell her about the tragedy. Stand just outside their perception range and drop a Web on top of them and follow it up with Grease. You'll find the body of the boar lying on the ground just to the north of the area where the Moon Radishes grow. You will find Bartholomew in his creepy basement. Exhaust his conversation options but don't kill him and don't simply dismiss him. Unfortunately, they're not hostile so you can't get the drop on them. The door to the east is sealed. While you're here, grab the stash of minor loot from nearby. If you want some pointless combat, head east up the slope where you will face a pair of Hodag-like Treants. Use a Stinking Cloud on them if you have one to spare. You will be attacked by a pair of Will-o'-Wisps. When the enemies are dead, grab a Ring of Protection +1 and the Wyvern Skin Cloak from the Silky's remains. Continue west along the Little Sellen River where you will be able to claim the Scenic Locale kingdom resource. I think the trolls are overpowered in your case (or may be Bartholomew died because of AOE damage from your attacks/spells). paizo.com - Online Campaigns - Kingmaker Head through the door on the right to reach another balcony. Bartholomew recruiting. : r/Pathfinder_Kingmaker - reddit The initial creatures are a Bear-like Treant and a Quick Boar. After some smack talk, Tartuk will summon some more kobolds on the other side of the river and Haste them. Quick save because the RNG is a swine. Select the "show the herb" option and you will get an errand to being her three mudleaves, gloomberries and dizzyheads. There are a couple of Tatzylwyrms and a Greater Tatzylwyrm in your way but they shouldn't be more than a minor bump in the road. Head north and examine a log by the path. Before speaking, you might make a Perception check (DC 20) to notice that he is exhausted. You need to keep those two well back so that Bokken doesn't get attacks of opportunity against them. There are three rooms to the side. Otherwise it's worth a decent amount of gold. Go southeast to find a locked chest (DC17) containing a Shard of Knight's Bracers (1/10), the first of another relic item set, and a Heavy Crossbow +1. You need a location called Verdant Chambers. Tartuk doesn't have many HP but he has an extremely high AC. You are going to pick up a new companion shortly. Jhod tells you that Remus (the mad guy who told you where Tartuccio was in the first act) has been spreading fear among the people. If you're lucky, you can make a DC28 Bluff check for an additional 1500G and 360XP over what you would have received for completing the quest. This is manageable at 5th level, although not terribly rewarding. Immediately to your right is a stash containing a Melted Shard of a Ring (3/13). There is also a well that you can interact with. Go back to the previous room and go through the door to the west. The dead Sentinels carry Masterwork weapons. Do not sell this weapon - it can penetrate adamantine DR which is a very valuable property. Don't worry about this for the time being. Before you cross over into the Dire Narlmarches, you'll probably want to rest. The first task you should see to is enroute to Tuskdale. 6 days ago. You're not able to do this if you chose another option earlier. You will then have a bunch of possibilities to resolve the problem. However, this benefits you not at all so I suggest you keep it. You will be confronted by the troll leader, Hargulka. Be careful when you reach the stairs because there is a trap (DC21) at the bottom. Return to your capital and rest. Grab a Two-Bladed Sword +1 from under a tarpaulin and look for a nearby hidden cache (DC16) for a locked container (DC18) containing some gold and gems. The Wererat Lair location is added to your map. If your alignment is not lawful or evil, make a quicksave because the optimum outcome to this quest will depend on a skill check. When you reach the crossing point over the Shrike River, continue west. When they're dead, have Kallike use her Water Blast ability on the flames surrounding the trapped Water Elementals to free them. Interact with the switch on the floor and more weak undead will emerge from the sarcophagi. Heal him rather than finishing him off. If you read his letter, you know what common sense tells you anyway: there is no such thing. The loot container in the corner holds an Ancient Cyclops Coin. Otherwise, destroy them and be done with it. There is a group of elves a short distance to the northwest. Afterwards, select "We tried to pull the cart out". The Secret Sanctum will be added to your world map. When you've killed them, you can open a trapped chest (DC22) by the side of the road which contains 1GP. At least two of those are subject to attacks of opportunity so they shouldn't give you much trouble. After killing the enemies, look to the left of them for a hidden log containing some gold. Head to the villages entrance and tell the guard you want to talk to the leader. Make a note of this location because you will be back here much, much later. Which is OK but hardly worth all that. The trapped (DC22) chest next to contains some Masterwork weapons and a Keen Longsword +1. She will thank you for killing the Stag Lord and will promise a valuable reward. The latter is an annoying enemy who uses Greater Invisibility (so that most of your attacks miss) and Mirror Image (so that more of your attacks miss) before hitting you with mind-affecting magic. Once you get back to Tuskdale, seek Valerie out and ask about her wound to close this quest off. Drops from Kobold Sniper (Guiding Beacon) in Troll Lair Depths. The Goblet is the first in another relic set. After you've cleaned their blood off your blades, loot their camp for some tasty loot including a Phylactery of Negative Channeling and an Arcane Protector dagger. However, to do anything you need to prise off the lid. While you're immune to electricity, go across to the other side where there's a Mobility (DC20) check to get across a ditch. Return to where you were previously and continue north. The Nereid projects a Fascination aura that stops anyone attracted to females dead in their tracks. Only the Cyclops is remotely dangerous and even he can be cut down fairly easily. Honor his request and select the first option to instantly go to the enemy. At some point (and the fact that it's "at some point" and not "always" is annoying), you will have a scripted encounter. When, Ditael hands the sword over, he will be relieved to be rid of the - literally - cursed thing. Return to the main path and cast Resist Electricity (Communal) on your party. If you fancy taking on a powerful mid-boss, buy some cold iron weapons from Verdel. However, similar to claiming the Outskirts, this will cause another 14 days to pass which you don't want to happen right now. If he is ordered to release Dimwit, and you are Neutral you can use a dialogue option to apologize for interfering. They aren't hostile so you can't get the drop on them. Ask who they are and, if you don't have any yet, you can ask Tiressia for five feather tokens for Melianse. You will want to make the Intimidate (DC23) check here. The book is a quest item for Bokken while the Skymetal is the first in another relic set. Stick this on Kalikke if you're using her, otherwise Octavia could use the extra boost so that she doesn't get fatigued so readily. It's up to you what you do with her, but I might point out that in this sort of game, creating undead doesn't generally increase world happiness. Head to Narlkeep and return the armour to Dragn to make him a happy dwarf. Cut your way through three Hodags and when you reach a cave entrance, buff up seriously. Continue southeast from the Kobold Camp. We've fixed Ageing and the Flying Time Undertow effect for the commander and their companions, Icy Prison spell got its name back, important keys no longer disappear, and much more. Doing so will allow you to summon their assistance later. Head northeast from your current position and cut your way through four bears. These aren't as powerful as Viscount Smoulderburn (they only have AC24 for starters) but they have Natural Invisibility so you will miss frequently due to concealment. Can only be obtained if visited Bartholomew Delgado during second stage of Troll Invasion. Head east from your capital and continue east. Cast a Stinking Cloud at the portal in preparation for the next things to emerge: the Lost Sister and a Smilodon-like Treant. Just before crossing over into Dire Narlmarches, camp. Pathfinder Adventure: Troubles in Otari - Paizo so that you can claim the Refugee Camp. Pathfinder: Kingmaker - Troll Trouble Walkthrough Approach the cells to meet the unlucky troll. She's looking for an author to write about her adventures. The monster is in the lower right corner of the location. The quest is completed. Just to the south of it is a hidden cache containing an Ancient Rostlandic Coin. Cast Resist Lightning (Communal) before you go near it, however. The Evil choice gives you a ruby while the Good choice secures you an emerald. Return to the previous room and unlock the other door. If you explore the world further, you cannot cross the Sellen River in the west at this point. He will throw three fire bombs per round. Select one of the events to go to the throne room. A good way to deal with her is to cast a Stinking Cloud in the general vicinity of where she is and use Glitterdust to uncover her. There is another trap (DC21) in the room beyond. The Troll 1 continues attacking Anton, but Troll 2 turns his attention to Ekun who is weilding the acid infused greatAxe. Dimwit - Pathfinder: Kingmaker Wiki If you ask about the goddess, you can make a Diplomacy (DC25) check to talk some sense into him which is the ideal outcome. Jubilost with acid bombs is a reliable damage dealer as is Octavia with Magic Missile. Kesten Garess will meet you to give you a whistle-stop tour. You probably witnessed the "cleansing" he talks about. There are two Lizardfolk Sentinels just past your starting point. If you succeed at a Knowledge (Arcana) check, you will figure that it's an invisible creature controlling the child telepathically rather than a spirit possessing him. Spread your non-melee combatants out so that fewer people take damage. 80. r/Pathfinder_Kingmaker. Backtrack to the previous room and unlock the door to reveal a balcony. They depict the creation of a phylactery for a lich and the lich slaughtering innocents. Make your way to Thorn Ford. After this, deal with the stuck cart, and then talk to Jubilost. You will learn that Tartuk was brought back to life but cursed to actually be Tartuk rather than merely pretending to be as before. Help them and find out about a mage living nearby. If you have the complete set of Restovic relics, he will trade these for a story, earning you 4000G and 600XP. Click on the cart to start an storybook sequence. From the Lone House, head southwest. You may want to quicksave if you let the dog go. A male troll tends to live a solitary existence, partnering with a female for only a brief time to mate. To complete it, go to the top of the location and proceed to the hill. If Harrim is in your party, he will convince Waine to become a follower of Groetus. Try visiting his house before he was in danger (Maybe that would solve it). There are enemies in the courtyard below which Ekundayo can take care of. At some point, you will see a notification pop up. Return to the entrance to the Troll Lair, buff up and go through. You will have an initial selection of Kingdom Events as well. Dog can keep one of them tripped. When you defeat him, he will shift back to human form and you have to decide what to do with him. Continue west to the next junction and then turn south towards the house of the mage that Dalton mentioned. You will climb down to a deserted campsite. You will learn that this place is known to the trolls and kobolds as "Trobold". Pathfinder: Kingmaker - Wikipedia Foes No MoreTartuk is one of five enemies that you can turn into an ally. They're mostly weak apart from the leader who is 7th level. Head through the hidden door in the north wall. You can get your fish back afterwards if you like. After that little exchange, exhaust her conversation options. There is a "Requires Lawful" option that you can take which gives you a shortcut into Hargulka's Lair. There is a hidden panel in the far wall containing a Potion of Heroism. Instead, continue northwest where you will find three Ferocious Wolves and a Kobold Sentinel. You may want to buy the Trapspringer's Gloves from Hassuf first. Further in the cave is another group of Centipedes, this time with a second Tremendous Centipede. Continue north to fight a Troll and two Trollhounds. Black Whip - Pathfinder: Kingmaker Wiki We're heading east. The round container holds potions while one of the crates contains the Cypress Queen's Quill (3/5). Equip it on anyone able to use it right away. And it might be worth a trip back regardless to acquire a new quest. Search to the right of the Hodag's Lair to find a Shard of Knight's Bracers (5/10). Quicksave and when you're ready, speak to Rismel, the figure standing by the portal. Note that you cannot proceed further into the keep. Go to the east of the village and you can check out the Beer Mug Inn. Head south to rescue him. Quicksave and have Linzi use Inspire Competence before you examine the sarcophagus because there are moderately difficult skill checks to make which give you a decent chunk of XP. Head a short distance up the slope and Jubilost will announce that this is the place he was searching for, giving you 1800G. There is a doorway blocked by an energy field. She stole the money to pay for a printing press. When they're dead, you will find a Token of the Dryad on the ground nearby. In a bad case of writer's pet, if Regongar is in your party, he will override you in this matter and attack the children. When they've finished speaking, How to Build a Kingdom will start and you will have a tutorial for managing your barony. If you go into the kingdom management interface, you may see a new event called Tenebrous Depths. In the Swamp Witchs Hut location, which we have already encountered in the Lost Child and Gnarled Branches quests, look for the village in the lower part of the map. Head north, keeping an eye out for traps - there are two of them (DC19). You will immediately be thrown into combat against 4 Tatzylwyrms, 2 Greater Tatzylwyrms and a Nixie Prankster. Search among the ruins for a hidden cache containing a Torag's Pendant. Take them out as a priority and get your squishier characters out of the line of fire. The group nearest you comprises a Troll Rock Thrower and two Kobold Snipers. Make your way to the northeast corner and kill some more oversized amphibians and grab another Token of the Dryad. Follow the dog until you find a man called Ekundayo. You will see an Alpha Wolf and a Dire Wolf to your left. I don't believe the choice matters. Take the coins and show them to the ghost. Version: 1.1y | Updated: 02/20/2023 FAQ of the Month Winner: October 2021 | Highest Rated Guide. When it's clear, you can head down to the Ancient Tomb. Ask whether he's interested in operating exclusively within your barony and you will be able to make a reasonably straightforward Diplomacy / Intimidate check to get him to agree (assuming the ruddy RNG doesn't roll a 2). Do not be hostile to him. Otherwise, he will simply disappear. Show him the coins you gathered from the Ancient Will-o'-Wisp and his pals for an XP reward. Before asking about the fire-resistant trolls, ask what he is selling. There are three Trollhounds in the first room which serve as a good demonstration of the power of the Devourer of Metal. Exit the throne room (when interacting with the map inside, you return to the kingdom management screen) and walk around the city until you see the Guardian of the Bloom. However, if you are protected, they won't really be able to hurt you so you simply need to wait until your attacks connect. Cross the river and interact with the cliff to climb up. Among the dead bodies and other carrion is a Dying Dwarf. After you kill it, you can unlock a chest (DC28) containing a Noble Warhammer which is a +3 weapon. Return to the village and look for a man named Aysel who seems very upbeat about the Silver Dragon. You can make this easier by ignoring the cart for the moment and heading north to the ponies standing by the cart. This is worth a visit for a moderately difficult battle and some very worthwhile loot. If you have upgraded Tuskdale to a town, you can construct a Printing House for free. You have a number of options but to progress the quest, you have to select "I think you should talk to Valerie alone". There are two more bas reliefs which are DC19 and DC27 to decipher. You may want to rest here if you used up valuable abilities in the Monster Den. There is a building in the north of the area that requires a key so ignore it for the time being. They are almost certainly too powerful for you right now (they're 18th level and you're 8th). Elsewhere, you may encounter Stefano Moskoni and his bodyguards being attacked by two Trolls and two Branded Trolls. If you want to, you can buy some Feather Tokens for the Nixie back at the overgrown pool but you can also get some for free later. Make your way to Narlkeep. You'll find Amiri and Jaethal here if you want to talk to them. the place will be empty so camp until nighttime if necessary. If you can't open it. Hargulka has 236HP, which is the main thing you have to burn through, and five powerful melee attacks. They are, however, susceptible to Stinking Cloud. Before examining the sarcophagus, equip a melee character with Second Execution and cast Remove Fear on your party. At the top are three traps and a pair of patrolling Redcaps. Have someone equip the Demolisher and put Freedom of Movement on your frontline. Examine the ground nearby to find a Ring of Protection +1. See here for possible candidates. You will finish the quest by leaving the location. Cast a Stinking Cloud ahead of you, like so: This should mean that the most dangerous enemy, the Bandit Necromancer, starts off disabled. You're at a reasonable advantage with these guys. Return to your capital and take care of any throne room business. You don't want to set them off, but just in case Do not attempt to clear the traps because you will aggro the Recaps. Afterwards, speak to Rismel. Annexing the Kamelands is also required to unlock Tristian's companion quest. Return to the throne room and look for someone named "Storyteller" in the bottom left corner of the room. Approach the wererats to the north but don't immediately attack. Head west along the Skunk River and you will come to a crossing point. Ask him about himself and what he's doing and he's not very forthcoming. Backtrack and continue west. Head northwest and you will find Remus spouting nonsense to the assembled brainwashed. You get 450 experience points as a reward. Don't cross at Ford Across the Skunk River. Give them any new equipment you bought and check spellbooks. Among the ruins of the fortress you will find the portal and Rismel in front of it. It's not tough but it has a ranged attack that causes the entangled status. For the best outcome to Jaethal's character arc, allow the elf girl to die. Keep going and you will reach the village proper. Nip back to Varrask and give him his tools to recruit him as an artisan. To the side is a trapped (DC22) and locked (DC25) chest containing a unique heavy pick, Demolisher. A new update 2.0.7k is here! Picking the flowers is a DC27 check so maybe save scum as well. Examine the fallen tree to find Nyta's Letter and an Old Wedding Ring. Your email address will not be published. Amiri will announce her intention to kill the creature. Another trap. Choose either of the first options (thanks, Ekundayo) and you'll move onto another page. If you kill him, you can grab some modest loot. Buff up. He has some interesting stuff, but nothing that made me feel compelled to part with 1000s. Continue north from Maegar and search the crate for a unique necklace, The Heart of Ira. After some chit-chat, the battle against the Gargoyle-like Treant will start. Head west from the campsite to a moderately tricky encounter vs. a Branded Troll, two Trolls and a Kobold Boomsayer. Quicksave before entering and then have Linzi sing Inspire Competence. There are four Dire Boars just to the south and past them is a house, a garden with a scarecrow in it and a gate. When he burns through a character's fire resistance, top it up. Trolls stand about 14 feet tall, but their hunched postures often make them appear shorter. The only characters not affected are Amiri, Valerie, Dog and a female main character. When all the wolves are dead, you can find another cache of minor loot in the bushes just above where the path forks. You can question him further about this troll, Kargadd, and you will learn that its weakness is sunlight. Continue west and you will see Mud Bowl to the south. You will pass the Sapphire Field kingdom resource which is well worth claiming. You will find four Ferocious Wolves fighting a single Trollhound. Order it to release the child and Shimmerglow will agree. Bokken will apologise (as he bloody well should) and the quest will be complete. Kallike has a crossbow but don't equip it otherwise she won't be able to use Kinetic Blade or Gather Power. However, if you interact with the blue tile, you will open a way to the south. Exhaust her conversation options (apart from the one where you murder her) and she will give you an Invitation from the Kingdom of the Cleansed. One of the doors upstairs is locked (DC17). Agree to let the guards escort you to Varnhold. The player can either allow Bartholomew's experiments to continue, or they can order him to release or kill Dimwit. Turn around and go south. When you do so, two Dread Skeleton Elites will appear on the other side of the room. The Bronze Dwarven Key unlocks the final door. Pathfinder: Kingmaker Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. There is a stash in the south of the encounter area with a Torag's Pendant. There is a hidden stash nearby with a Ring of Protection +2. It doesn't sleep on a pile of gold, but there is a body in its lair with some fantastic loot: a Flaming Earth Breaker +2, the Taldan Whip (2/5), the Professor's Hat and an Extend Metamagic Rod. Head across to the other side of the square and look for Nazrielle. You'll reach the somewhat hard-to-connect-the-dots conclusion that this dwarven outpost might just be the lair of the trolls that are menacing your barony. This will take a while because he has +20 to Fortitude saves and the DC starts at 20 and increases by 1 per round. The other containers hold minor loot. If you do so and Octavia begins to verbally bait him, you must intervene or fight him. There are enemies visible to your right: two Trolls and two Trollhounds. Keep an eye on it and return to your capital when the time comes. There is a chest at the end with some minor loot. The best option is the "[Requires Chaotic]" one which allows you to make Tartuk your vassal. The Nereid will summon a Huge Water Elemental and use Confusion. The Nature of the Beast - Pathfinder: Kingmaker Wiki Return to the trail and continue south, heading east at the next junction. Two Trolls and a Branded Troll are attacking a merchant named Dalton and his guard. Have at least one ally equip a cold iron weapon. Unlock the door to the south. After the envoy has given his advice, Jhod Kavken will speak to you about a cursed location nearby that feels similar to the corruption you found at the Temple of the Elk, which will add Bald Hilltop to your world map and initiate the Ancient Curse quest. The Manticore is also manageable for a beefy main character but the Owlbear is too tough for you to manage and there's something even worse if you try to leave through the front gate. Remember to disengage Defensive Fighting - Valerie will need 20s to hit otherwise. Fortunately, no undead come pouring out of sarcophagi. Be careful at the top. There is also a hidden compartment on the wall with some minor loot. Since you're in the area, it would be rude to refuse. Pathfinder Kingmaker: Magic Items List (Locations & Effects) ? Shortly after combat begins, a fear effect will be triggered but Remove Fear negates this. This next bit's a pain. The ghoul's name is Dorsy. It is not possible to continue north at this point, so start heading back the way you came or explore a different route. Head north out of the village and take care of some Dire Boars on your left. If you make a World (Knowledge) check (DC23), you'll gain a few XP. If you don't, he will help you later. Regardless, you're done with this location for the time being. Mirror Image or Displacement can help greatly here. Approach the column in the centre and you will be thrown into battle against the Lonely Warrior, a level 15 undead. Leave the secret room and loot Bartholomew's laboratory for a Token of the Dryad among other things. There is also one group of bandits who help distract the trolls. Continue north and turn west at the crossroads. A letter arrives from the Maegar Varn of Varnhold, proposing an alliance between your lands. 5. The locked chest outside the house near the bottom left corner contains the Grilled Silver Eel recipe along with some silver eels. You will return to the Spirit Hut and Kagar will cast Glitterdust to reveal Shimmerglow. At the next crossroads (close to Tuskgutter's Lair), head southwest. Kanerah and Kalikke will swap places a couple of times. Ekun's leads aren't very good so far. [SPOILER] Bartolomew and the Troll :: Pathfinder: Kingmaker General A hidden crate a short distance to the northeast contains a Sai +1. As you approach the house, you will find summoned Giant Spiders fighting trolls, handily serving as a distraction while you murder them. Make a hard save at the entrance in case you get stuck. You can learn more about the history of the area by asking about the village. When they're dead, search the dead body to find two potions of Invisibility (ha! Thank you Tristian, I was going to talk to him anyway. Unfortunately, none of the merchants in your capital sell them but hopefully you have a couple at least. 2023 GAMESPOT, A FANDOM COMPANY. There is nothing to do immediately, but you should have a couple of quests awaiting your attention. If the player manages to rescue him from the trolls, he will assign the quest Guiding Beacon. When they're dead, Jaethal will come up with a jolly wheeze: raise one of the elves as an undead pal. You may want to claim the nearby Remnants of Dwarven Fortifications. To the bottom left of your fortress, there is a special mark shaped like a house Swamp Witchs Hut. Bartholomew will join you at this point with information about the trolls' protection. Head back to the path and as it curves around, turn to the northwest. You are told that you need to "Defeat the monsters" and "Get the key from the dungeon". Just kill him and be done with it. Go west along the northern edge of the map. It's tough and you start unbuffed but your whole party should be able to hack it to death easily enough. Duke Dazzleflare isn't really any tougher than all the Ancient wisps you've been fighting up to this point. He tells you that he's been swindled by a gang whom he employed to retrieve his possessions from Candlemere Island and who have subsequently vanished. Once across, head west and follow the trail as it loops to find the Kobold Trail. Due to this need, most trolls stake out large territories as their own, and fights between rivals are quite common. Buff up and head north. This will take you out of the sequence and give you another chance to quick-save. Rest up and check your calendar and settlements. When the enemies are dead, clear the spike trap (DC25). Head across to Shaynih'a and she will give you a Spear Fragment to show to Storyteller back in your capital.

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pathfinder: kingmaker bartholomew release troll